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Need Help Getting A (Very) Good Character Into Paradise Falls


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Yep, I left this much too late in the game (it's post-Broken Steel and the Temple Of The Union has the LIncoln Memorial), but I want to peacefully enter Paradise Falls (for the first time) to complete a couple of quests (recruit Clover, free the Lamplighters, etc.) before going postal on the place. Always a highlight of the game for me.


I can bribe Grouse no problem, the scripted scene with Forty and the runaway slave goes OK - but every Slaver, associated scumbag and his/her dog immedaitely goes all-out to kill me the insatnt I go through the inner gate. Can't imagine why.


Thought the 'setenemy' command, to alter the Slavers' attitide towards the Player's faction to 'neutral', would be a way to go. ButI apparently I need an ID number for the Slaver faction, which I don't have (not on Wiki - I did check).


So, I need a way in. All assistance welcomed.


(BTW, flipping my character to Total Evil is NOT an option.) :smile:

Edited by 7thsealord
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Thought the 'setenemy' command, to alter the Slavers' attitide towards the Player's faction to 'neutral', would be a way to go. ButI apparently I need an ID number for the Slaver faction, which I don't have (not on Wiki - I did check).


See this topic: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/165488-how-to-make-slavers-happy-again-console/


(BTW, flipping my character to Total Evil is NOT an option.


That's.. unfortunate. You do know we have cookies, yes? :devil:

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7thsealord - Hello!


Try going in disguise, Yet Another DisguisesMod - YADM by hikky71 might do the trick:




It's a really fun mod that allows you to appear to be another faction by dressing up in their known attire.


I use it to walk around Raiders encampments or to slip past enemy patrols.


Adds another layer to Fallout 3 & the mod works very cleanly & hassle free.


Just remember not to fast travel into Megaton wearing your evil Raider disguise, not pretty. :)


Hope this helps!



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