sublimetech Posted July 20, 2009 Share Posted July 20, 2009 hi, Fallout 3 is randomly crashing and freezing on me. most often there are freezes (80%> of the time). i am running mods so here is my load order: Fallout3.esmAnchorage.esmThePitt.esmBrokenSteel.esmPointLookout.esmSP_Destruction_MASTER.esmCALIBR.esmFWE_FO3_Wanderers_Edition.esmMart's Mutant Mod.esmEnhanced Weather - Rain and Snow.esmSP_Destruction - Misc Items - Caps.espSP_Destruction - More Realistic Projectile Speeds.espSP_Destruction - Electronics MS.espSP_Destruction - Electronics A.espSP_Destruction - Version 4.espSP_Destruction - Furniture.espSP_Destruction - Deadlier Explosions.espSP_Destruction - Vehicles.espSP_Destruction - Misc Movable Static.espSP_Destruction - Containers M.espSP_Destruction - Containers A.espRealFragGrenade3.espVATS - MCE.espBobbleheads Begone.espPChealthequaltoNPC.espNPC base health equal to pc.espRI_Sleep2.espno armor magic effects.espVatsLongerDistance.espFellout-Anchorage.espMrSlackPants-Radiation.espVendorCapsIncreased2X.espGalaxyNewsRadio40[M].espSP_Destruction - Electronics C.espClassic Fallout Weapons BETA.espSP_Destruction - Version 3.espSP_Destruction - Doors.espSP_Destruction - Bathrooms.espSP_Destruction - Misc Items.espSlowFoodDigestion.espOwned!.espRRR+ANCH+PITT 1.0.espWeaponModKits.espFWE_00_QUEST.espFWE_01_COMBAT.espFWE_02_COMBAT_II.espFWE_03_CHARACTER.espFWE_04_CHARACTER_II.espFWE_05_ITEMLOOT_III.espFWE_05_ITEMLOOT_II.espFWE_05_ITEMLOOT.espFWE_06_SPAWNS.espFWE_07_IMMERSION.espFWE_08_FEATURES.espknockdowns.espMart's Mutant Mod.espMart's Mutant Mod - Increased Spawns.espMart's Mutant Mod - Feral Ghoul Rampage.espMart's Mutant Mod - Hunting & Looting.espMart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.espMart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.espMart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.espMart's Mutant Mod - No Ghoul Raise.espSniperZooming.espFellout-BrokenSteel.espFellout-Full.espEnhanced Weather - Rain and Snow in Fallout.espACE2.0b.esp the wierd thing is that the crashes continue even when i turn the mods off. I am running fallout with the 1.6 patch. i have also tried to run it on fake patch + unofficial patch + patch with the same result.also i have the latest driver for my nvidea card and i am running vista-64 bit on a quad core machine.if anyone would have any suggestions on how to solve this issue it would be greatly appreciated. BTW i apologize if my spelling/grammer sucked, i am dutch. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gsmanners Posted July 20, 2009 Share Posted July 20, 2009 Sounds like Issue 7 from: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mechine Posted July 20, 2009 Share Posted July 20, 2009 MMM should be the very last All that SP_distruction is all out of order there's one called SP_Destruction - Version 3.esp which looks like the main .esp so it should be first with the other optional stuff to follow You got MMM's feral rampage and no ghoul raise running at the same time One makes a feral rampage then the other nurfs that same rampage You got no compatibilty patches WMK has no compatibilty patches(if you ask me WMK is lame) Yeah it's super cool, but the weapons are messy an meshes are wackbesides, WMK is vanilla weapons, an short of making new versions "they suck"Also I think WMK is long over do for a serious updatethe kind of weapons we are making now in terms of custom player created weapons is unreal sweetness The weather mods you have should be right before MMM You got Calibr, but not really the poop tons of weapons that take advantage of calibrFOOK, 20th century weapons, STALKER, FullAutoPistolsV2.0, and more You got VATS MCE which is super awesome, look into VATS at longer distances and also more presise auto aim or no auto aim, great stuff You should concider grouping things together, guns with guns an clothing with clothingstuff that mods the same kind of stuff should be put together, short of the hard ruleslike MMM last, compatiblity patches after the main .esp to which they patch for FWE requires some searious FOIP compatibility patches, Also a lot of the stuff in those overhawl mods you can get in small mods that are more easy to manage Ou OU OU you do have VATS at longer distances, move that to be with the VATS MCE Just looking at it not knowing what most of that stuff is but because of the names it looks like a lot of it mods the same stuff, which is a red flag of conflicts You wana avoid stuff that mods the same things for instance you have FWE, and the increase merchant caps idk There's only a tiny part of RI in there RI sleep I've never heard of it, I thought RI an Primary needs had Esm's that went with it, and also RI primary needs also has a compatibility patch in FOIP I think for use with MMM or FWE ect there's that SP distruction stuff then also the realgrenades stuffmight mod the same things You've got fellout OA in the middle then fellout.esp down at the bottomwhich is shouldn't be there anyway Not sure but FWE_05_ITEMLOOT_III.espFWE_05_ITEMLOOT_II.espFWE_05_ITEMLOOT.esp looks like you should pick one of the 3 instead of using all 3 For the most part you only want one mod that changes the different lists like loot lists for exampleMMM also messes with lists a bit, which is why there are compatiblity patches for it I think You got FWE an then slow food digest, seems kind of silly, but then you got FWE an MMM with no magic armor, do you have any idea how hard MMM make itI think if you wana go MMM you should drop the FWE an non armor magic and infact go the other way make you get more stuff an stronger The DLC's by that I mean Anchorage.esmThePitt.esmBrokenSteel.esmPointLookout.esm Are flamed across the net from the mirad of problems it causesYou should seek out a guide to a ultimate load order for DLC's or put Crashing a lot with DLC's in your title to draw a DLC specialist to your post These two seem redundant (if the PC's health is equal to NPC then when the NPC is equal to the PC's it's already the same number) PChealthequaltoNPC.espNPC base health equal to pc.esp What the hell is this an why is it in this part in the load order, it looks like a patchRRR+ANCH+PITT 1.0.esp Something rather important is that you're a Vista userthere are different rules for the Vista machinesFor instance you have to install the fallout game outside of program filesand also a few other tweeks like thisthe reason you install it outside of program files is because the Vista applies security risks to stuff in program files Also don't install it on the desktop thinking you'll get fast access to your datait will just dump 8Gb on you desktop an everytime you try to exit a program back into the windows shell it will freeze crash, an also effect performance ingameFor the matter you want your desktop to be the bare minimum, my desktop doesn't even have a background or screensaver, just a few shortcuts that's all Running Fallout3.exe, or FOSE, or FOSE via FOMM you need to somehow depending on how you launch fallout, to change it to run as a admin in Windows XP SP3 modeThere are also a few other Vista tweeks you should look into, along with a poop ton of reading pinned threads here on the nexus, you can also concider a roll back For the most part People use a few different patch set ups 1.0.15 plus fake patch mod 1.4 plus fake patch mod 1.5 plus FO3edit's master update 1.6 pluse FO3edit's master update 1.6 without FO3edit's master update Since you have VATS MCE I think maybe you should only concider 1.5 and 1.6. At the very least if I was using DLC's which I don't have any of them right nowBut if I did have them, I would slowly very slowly add in mods one at a time then test, which would tell you which one caused a crash, and also I would read a whole lotabout DLC's, mods, and Vista Don't worry about all the work an the reading you have to do. It just takes a while to get better at this. It's pretty hardcore stuff too. So don't worry if you had to re install the thing 3-4 times or 12 times just to get a good working result by trying installs an set ups, that's how you learn, an after a few times you get better You should really focus on making clean installs, each mod you get install it manually Auto installers can mess up things, even though they are easyThe best way is to do it the hard way, follow the folder path down an look at all the stuffto see what it may or may not replace, or conflict with. Can't really think of anything else right now besides reading the pinned topics.You could try the ultimate load order, which is a little outdated, but it teaches you many tricks on how to intall really clean builds, and you can always delete it and start overthen take what you learned an make what you really wanted You should turn all of the Auto Saves off, it causes problems, learn to save often an manuallywhen you click create new save rather than wait for a auto save then you get a full saverather than just a partial quick auto save. You should also visit the tweek guide It's outdated, but a pretty good one, an shows how you can turn stuff down to half from max setttings an not even notice itYou'll need to tweek the Fallout.ini notepad options file, the ingame options, then the Fallout.exe launcher options I'd download FOMM, FOSE, FO3edit, GECK, and learn how to use them. Geez now I really can't think of anything else... :D Below is the last load order I came up with. I got tired of working on it, and gave upbut it's pretty goodthe third time I've installed an it works a lot betterNext time I install should be even better. Fallout3.esmCRAFT.esmCALIBR.esmFOOK.esmRI_Core.esmSharing and Caring Companions.esmMart's Mutant Mod.esmEnhanced Weather - Rain and Snow.esmScenic_Loading_Background.espUnofficial Fallout 3 Patch.espFOOK.espFOOK - Tougher Enemies.espFOOK - Owned!.espFOOK - Free Play After MQ.espFOOK - Strength Requirements for Miniguns, Gatlings, 20mm Flak.espFOOK - Additional Power Armor Training.espFOOK-ReducedFireDuration.espRI_Base3.espRI_CrippledEffects.espRI_DoctorCost.espRI_PNeeds2S.espRI_Alcohol.espRI_FOSE.espRI_LootTableRI.espRI_LootTablePN.espCRAFT - Activation Perk.espStealthboy Recon Armor - CRAFT.espCALIBR Ammo Schematics - CRAFT.espFOOK Weapons - CRAFT.espCRAFT - Workbench and Crafting Expansion combined.esptbase.espPrimary essential.espSecondary essential.espButch essential.espEssential death time 60 secondes.espUber Dogmeat.espUltra Olney.espNailedToDeath.espGPs Oasis - Clean Water 1.1.espMTC MoreGuardsInBigTown.espcollectionagent_improved.espMore Merchant Caps.espreal deputy weld V0.2.espFallout 3 Girls Redone.espBetterButler.espPotw V0.6.espFollowMe.espFollowersRelax.espSammy The Singing Robot.espRivet_city_security.espNot alone in the Wasteland anymore.espCaravanUpgrades.espNPCs Sleep Tighter.esproyphilipsveryevilwmask.espHeights.espMoreMapMarkers.espGoreMod.espOasisStorage.espMegaton Tweaks 1.28.espRecieveTenpennySuite.espForge.espFireLightFix.espQuantumPipeV2.espTheManBehindTheCurtain.espGalaxyNewsRadioFix.espVault-Tec Experimental Dimensional Safe.espamjygold bars.espUsableCigarettes.espAfrosNukaCola.espIceColdWater.espMRE.espFalloutFood.espHAZdrugs.espInebriation-FOSE.espAD-BAND MOD.espPretenderMask.espskeleton_Mask.espScubaTank.espNippyClothing.espZumbsDarkerSunglasses_no_replace.espLuckySpecs.espAviators.espArynnsSexyLeatherdress_EV.espBPV.espneocap.espPop Culture shirts.espfu_outfits.espSCC Armor.espREJillOutfit.espDaves Special Gift.espDoctorOfTheWastesBeta1.05.espCybernetic Implants Xangi.espRestoreLife.espF3UmpaAnimation.espThe Groovatron.espExplosive Entry.espDK_BulletTime.espT_R_A_S_C_H.espBottle That Water.espMagic Fingers Perk.espDree Perks.espMelee-UnarmedPACKeng.espKaBOOM.espLessBouncyGrenades.espLaserSword.espJQ-DuncanSword.espWieldableTorches.espModern weapons.espHZ_Glock.espSunGlassesFX.espTL_Color.espMaxLevel100.espVATS - MCE.espVatsLongerDistance.espPrecision_AutoAim_6000.espHZ_MoreShells_Extreme.espno blur on hit.espExtreemeLongDeathCamera.espVanity Camera Mod.espRivens_Eyescapes.espUltra pip-boy light.espWasteland Weather Overhaul .9.espFellout-Full.espEnhanced Weather - Rain and Snow in Fallout.espEnhanced Weather - Radioactive Rain Plugin.espMart's Mutant Mod.espRI_PNMMM.espMart's Mutant Mod - FOOK.espMart's Mutant Mod - Increased Increased Spawns.espMart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.espMart's Mutant Mod - Feral Ghoul Rampage.espMart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.espMart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.espMart's Mutant Mod - No Geckos.espMart's Mutant Mod - No Wanamingos.espMart's Mutant Mod - No Floaters.espMart's Mutant Mod - Hunting & Looting.esp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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