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OCO v.2. and Room207's Bodybuilder


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And the last one. Yeah...Conan didn't like that orc too much. :P


And with this three pictures I want to say, this topic is over.

Conan is done, and we countinue the work with IkeCoast in private. Thanks to everyone! Bye! :)

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Thanks! :)


Most credit goes to Ike, I only gave him ideas, and followed his instructions. :)

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On one of the last pictures, there's an Altmer that seems to be thinking the same as Striker :laugh:


Fikula not only gave me ideas, he also pointed me in the right direction when looking for resources (this Head06 Xivilai head, for instance, that suits Conan quite better than the one I put on him originally).


As Fikula said, this thread has accomplished its purpose. If somebody needs further advice, feel free to PM me.



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