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Bows & Arrows into the Wasteland.


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Ive been wanting, hoping, for a while now that someone would create a mod that adds bows and arrows to the Fallout 3 game. I myself am not a modder, i use them, but i dont have a singal clue how to make them. The G.E.C.K confuses me and i would'nt no where to start or even if it is possible to incorparate a weapon and ammunition mod like this to the Fallout 3 game. The similar game Oblivion has bows and arrows in the game and thought that a modder with real talent could bring this to the Fallout game. The bows and arrows would fit well with the lore of the game and i would imagine they could be found on raiders and slavers. Also, there could be a mixture of arrow ammuntion like home made arrows made from junk (with less damage), average arrows, fuel dowsed arrows (similar effect to the Zhu-rong Chinesel Pistol) and even poisen tipped arrows (same effect as the dart gun). Even a variety of bows would work well like damaged ones and ones with a scope hurriedly tied on. but anyway, like i said, im not even sure it is possible to do with the fact that it would require a whole new set of animations for shooting and reloading etc... but im sure if this was made, it would be much appreciated by many Fallout users.


So, if there is any modders out there, with enough ambition and talent to make this, show me what you've got.


Any ideas, feedback and discussins on the suubject would be appreciated.


This is my first post by the way on here for anyone who has no idea who i am. :thanks:

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There's a bit of a problem with making a working bow and arrow for Fallout, called animations. Adding in new ones is a pretty big uphill battle, like unarmed fighting Jack Rakan hard. You can have crossbows, though, since the Dart Gun animations can fit it.
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Well, i suppose a cross bow would'nt be too bad, if can make that. Something hand made and rusty though, nothing too modern or high tech. but still with a scope would be nice. Thats how i like my Fallout weapons. So, any modder think there upto making a crossbow based on the dart gun mesh, with new custom arrows for ammunition?
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200 year sin a wasteland and theres still ammo? i dont think so

we wouldve gone back to bows n arrows n swords way before then



1. Get some lead, maybe from old bullets.

2. Get a mold with your calibre

3. Heat the lead, etc etc...


4. Get 75% salpeter, 15% charcoal and 10% sulfur

5. Mix it all together


6. Get some empty bullet chasings



Every stupid moron on earth can geht this far. So don't you think that it's possible, that some skilled guys can make working bullets? I think it is. Humans nature is do destroy itself. Just as the Fallout Intro says... War... war never changes... Human kind will find a way to produce new weapons of destruction, that is sure...

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I agree, men will always find a way to hurt each other.


Unfortunately, black powder doesn't work in all firearms. The more complicated ones would gunk up badly from all the fouling. It WOULD work okay in double barrels, bolt actions, lever actions, and other manually operated firearms.


When the M-16 was being developed and tested, they were using smokeless powder in the "stick" form. When they released the M-16 for use in Viet Nam they switched over to "grain" powder because it's cheaper to make. It's also dirtier. As a result they found out that the M-16 would foul and jam rather quickly. We're talking about a smokeless powder that is used in almost all modern cartridges. As a result they had to re-design the M-16.


Black powder is about ten times dirtier than grain type smokeless powder.


Reloaders (I reload), know that when you shoot a cartridge the brass expands slightly. When you reload, you measure the length of the case and use a tool called a "Case Trimmer" to cut off the extra length. After you re-use a casing so many times you have to toss it out because it's gotten too thin.


And speaking as a reloader, after 200 years, I don't know where you are going to get new primers from. Those have to be manufactured.




Bows are NOT stupid. Honestly, I was investigating the use of bows for a mod I am the coordinator for. It was pretty much agreed, the problem is the animations.


Archeologists unearthing the mass graves from the battle of Hastings found a skeleton where an armored horseman had both his legs pinned to his horse by an arrow. Think about that. That includes at least three layers of the the man's armor and the two layers of saddle.


Of course, the English longbowmen started pulling bows when they were children. They had built up specialized muscle groups to the point where their skeletons were deformed.


Some of the best examples of the English longbow were found fairly recently in the sunken wreck of the Mary Rose. Despite being under water for hundreds of years, the bows were in pretty good shape. More than 3,500 arrows and 137 whole longbows were recovered from the Mary Rose, a ship of Henry VIII's navy that was sunk at Portsmouth in 1545.


The ones that had been underwater for hundreds of years still averaged a draw weight of roughly 100 pounds. Recreations of them turned out to have draw weights in the 200 pound range. This certainly does explain the deformed shoulders of the skeletons.


They made an interesting discovery, while the English longbow was not a composite weapon (laminated layers of differing materials) at the same time it sort of was. The English longbow was carefully made using the heartwood of the Yew tree going centrally down the shaft, while the outer rings were used too, this created almost a "natural composite" effect.


Here's a quote from Wikipedia:


The range of the medieval weapon is unknown, with estimates from 165 to 228 m (180 to 249 yds). Modern longbows have a useful range up to 180 m (200 yd). A 667N(150 lbf) Mary Rose replica longbow was able to shoot a 53.6 g (1.9 oz) arrow 328.0 m (360 yd) and a 95.9 g (3.3 oz) a distance of 249.9 m (272 yd).


The longbow had a long range and high accuracy, but not both at the same time. Most of the longer range shooting mentioned in stories was not marksmanship, but rather thousands of archers launching volleys of arrows at an entire army. Longbowmen armies would aim at an area and shoot a rain of arrows hitting indiscriminately at anyone in the area, a decidedly un-chivalrous but highly effective means of combat. Standards for accuracy have changed dramatically in the modern age. An archer could hit a person at 165 m (180 yards) "part of the time" and could always hit an army.


There is little doubt that the English style longbow has more range, faster firing rates, and more accuracy than a black powder muzzle loader. However, it is harder to make, takes years to master, and the trees that it was made from was so extensively harvested for it, they don't exist anymore.


The crossbow of the time, while inferior in range and accuracy, became more widely popular. This was because you could hand a soldier one, give him a moderate amount of training, and he'd be a fair shot with it.


The Native American bow is generally considered to be a far inferior weapon. This actually, may not be the case. The western artist, Remington, states in his journals that he witnessed Indians dropping buffalo with a single arrow shot. His paintings of this, show the Indians actually riding alongside the running bison, so it isn't a ranged shot.


I'm Native American and live in Oklahoma among the various reservations here, and nearby the largest buffalo preserve in the country. You ought to go see a bison sometime. The sheer size and feel of their "massiveness" is staggering.




I would dearly love to see a mod that "primitivizes" the fallout world. But to do it in a way that makes sense, for the time, it would be MASSIVE.


From a realistic standpoint, I think that by now you'd basically see a lot of 1700s technology. Blacksmiths, tinsmiths, brewers, plus a lot of bows, crossbows, and flintlocks. There would be a lot of the luxuries of life from earlier eras. Ceramic washbowls, candle lanterns, etc.


Possibly some percussion weapons in more built up industrialized areas. Making use of that black powder in a slightly more feasible way.


It would adapt some more modern technology to more primitive weapons. Such as using the break-open shotgun design to make a faster reloading breech-loading rifle.


NPC standard practices would be to shoot one or two black powder weapons then charge in with melee weapons.

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While I can't see bow usage being widespread, I can see it ingame in a limited fashion.


The problem with bows is quite simple. Much of humanity is lazy. We love instant gratification.

The average raider won't use a bow if he can just buy or steal a pistol. The local militia of a town

won't put themselves at disadvantage to the raiders and will adapt, leading, as we all know, to an arms race.




Now to adress the concept of ammo stores.

Picture the way people lived in the fifties and earlier. A great many people had at least one firearm in the house, and part of becoming a young adult in some of these families means getting or at least learning how to shoot a gun (likely a .22LR Rifle.) Now picture a gun-nut society like pre-war Fallout, where it is your duty to own weapons to arm you and your fellow man.


Now factor in war-time factors such as military supplies, the national guard, and militias, and you notice that all these guns have related ammo somewhere, and that ammo has lasted for hundreds of years, saved through reloading and rationing.


Also of note is that some towns such as Adytum have their own reloading capacity.

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I could see bows and arrows being more effective if they were poisoned. The initial hit does good damage, but it adds more following. Pretty much like the dartgun but with the strength of a good weapon. I can definitely see the animation is the major problem, its not possible to "port" the animation from Oblivion or something?
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