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Trying to Create a Master File


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I'm trying to create a Master File that does not require Morrowind.esm. It will be a completly new world but I need help with everything except constructing the world.


I need someone to create Meshes and Textures for buildings.

An example would be a barn and possibly some wooden fences to start with.


I need someone who can check my scripts and help me to get the appropriate functions out of them. Such as checking my scripts that are not working properlly and helping me to understand why they are not working correctly.


I need someone to create Meshes and Textures for weapons.

An example would be new swords and bows.


I plan to start with the home city of the character. After I get the home city created I'll start making different scenarios for the players background. Such as what he has done his whole life. This idea will take alot of time and effort on my part and I am hoping I might find someone who would be willing to help me with these ideas. I know this is going to be a on going work in progress that will take me a long time to finish. Since I plan on adding new cities after I complete the first one.

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I am a modeler who can do all the things you listed. I need money to convince me to devote a lot of hours to your project instead of my own work. Here are a few examples if you want proof of my skills:


Random stuff:









Comissioned art: (yes, that means paid for)






Morrowind weapon: (more exist, but attachments were lost in forum changes, I'll upload again if you want)



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i probably couldnt afford the help. i was just looking for help from anyone that might have some free time and just wanted to contribute. otherwise id just see if i could find someone to look over my scripts and tell me why they wont work. thank you for the offer though. ill just make do with the stuff i can find. thanks again
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i probably couldnt afford the help. i was just looking for help from anyone that might have some free time and just wanted to contribute. otherwise id just see if i could find someone to look over my scripts and tell me why they wont work. thank you for the offer though. ill just make do with the stuff i can find. thanks again


Too bad. Just as a bit of advice, if you want models free, learn how to do it make them yourself. Sure, it'll take a long time, but that's the only real way to do it. 3d artists with both free time and an interest in your specific project (hard to have without more than "it's a new world") are very rare. Good ones with free time and interest are so rare they might as well not exist, anyone willing to work free has probably been claimed by plenty of other projects already.

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