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Dissapointed at the end of Main Quest?


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So question is simple:

Did you got dissapointed at the end of the main quest?


I for sure got dissapointed.At the end you just get an armor and the title "champion of cyrodiil" which almost doesn't meen anything. IT's nearly the same expect that they respect you more but there are other things that i don't like when u became the champion:


You don't have access to imperial palace

You can still get in jail

You can't enter guard towers in imperial city or other towns.

They talk about Akatosh and Martin but what about you who saved them?


I've also tried the mod "Servant of the dawn" which is a lot better than main quest.

At the end of it you become High Chancellor get the key for impreial palace, impossible to get in jail.


One thing: Morrowind Main Quest FTW!!

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There were tears in my eyes at the end of the main quest. The tragedy of it all. The sacrifice one of my friends made to save Tamriel. I thought it was really quite moving.


But you are right. There is nothing to do after you beat the main quest. You don't really get any special privileges. You get a suit of armor that looks really cool, but stinks if you want to wear it in battle. It was not as good as the custom-enchanted daedric I was already wearing. I wore it once or twice, and then decided it is not worth risking my life just to look cool. It is also not durable. It has to be repaired more frequently than daedric. I also found myself wishing it was not enchanted so I could custom-enchant it. I thought about making a mod to make this suit of armor give as much protection as daedric, and to make it as durable. It sort of stinks that the toughest vanilla armor in the world is evil-looking and makes you look like a dremora. If you are a righteous hero, you don't want to go around frightening children. I think it would be cool if there was a mod which made it so the guards would attack you if you went into town wearing a complete suit of daedric armor with a daedric helmet. You would look just like a dremora, so the trigger-happy guards logically would try to kill you, or at least demand that you take of your helmet to prove you are not part of the Oblivion invasion.

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Its seems the endings are getting more final each time. In fallout it was even more dramatic as whatever you did lead to an end. Broken Steel (and before that a few modders) made it possible to continue. But before that, none finished the main quest after they'd seen the end for the first time.

As some do with Oblivion, as the gates will shut, that means less to do.


About enchanting, I can remember Gdarknight being busy on a thing that allowed you to replace enchantments (using OBSE). But I haven't heard about it, lately...OBSE offers solutions to change the armor rating as well...

Guards attacking you when you wear that armor would needs some faction-swaps, but could only work with unenchanted daedric armor...


Lol, but I'm happy with (WIP) Empires Glory right now. As it isn't final, although some parts allow you to end some things again though. There is however a lot to do when that story is over.

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I think it would be cool if there was a mod which made it so the guards would attack you if you went into town wearing a complete suit of daedric armor with a daedric helmet. You would look just like a dremora, so the trigger-happy guards logically would try to kill you, or at least demand that you take of your helmet to prove you are not part of the Oblivion invasion.

A li'l OT but this bit just reminded me of kuertee's Clothing Matters mod. Perhaps it could be a requested feature? That is, if the modder is still interested in updating said mod.

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Dissapointed, glad there's Empire's Glory.


Lol, but I'm happy with (WIP) Empires Glory right now. As it isn't final, although some parts allow you to end some things again though. There is however a lot to do when that story is over.
Keep up the good work vicICE !
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