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faces disappeared after installing eyecandy


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after installing the eyecandy body replacer i looked at one of the dark seducers in Shivering Isles and the body was normal and hr face was gone. she was a floating pair of eyes and a mouth. i uninstalled it and the problem persists. i think it might have something to do with blockhead, which i also uninstalled. i am very new to modding and am very bad at it so if you can use laymans terms that would be appreciated. i am using the NMM if that helps.

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NMM + any of the HGEC family of body replacers = nothing but trouble (as you've discovered). A mod list will be required to begin to sort things out (for instance you make no mention of Oblivion Character Overhaul version 2 but I can't think of any reason you'd be using Blockhead except OCOv2).

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