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skin color and .esm question


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sorry to start off my forum activity with questions, but I wish I could find out some things as I am playing Fallout 3:


1st question

regarding the skin of the player

I chose the race as hispanic and I gave it a cinamon feel to it, like a hispanic, kna'mean?

but he's white as a ghost, he's whiter than a frickin paper, like sick/never-saw-sunlight paleish hue, no yellow, no brown... just white.

I am halfway through the storyline now :( I can get haircuts from snowflake and wadsworth, and pinkerton fixes my face dimension... I was really hoping pinkerton could fix the color of my skin too, I mean my player is too frickin white...

so the question is: is there any "doctor" of sorts that can make me change my hue, or maybe a ~ console command to hack the player character's features, would be swell. or maybe a mod... i just don't wanna start the game all over again...


2nd question

after i finish the storyline, I suppose i can still wander through the wasteland in open-world, right?

can I change my character's race or sex without starting over? with all the money and weapons and safe-houses and stuff, but a different player?


3rd question

I read alot about the haircut bug. like, when u do go to pinkerton or snowflake, to fix up your head, the preview screen is black, like I am working in the dark :P any fixes for that?


4th question

if i have no other windows open, but only the game running in fullscreen, and I ALT+TAB to desktop, the arrow pointer won't appear and if I click ALT+Tab back to game, it crashes the game and pops a "send error report" box... however, if there is a window open, I can switch between the two with no problem... how's that for a technical bug?


5th question

fomm show a fallout3.esm file in the list of mods, and I usually ignore it, and all is well. I checked it and placed it to load first (cuz it's a big file) but nothing is changed ingame. all other mods work as usual. what does the fallout3.esm file do and why does fomm load it?


6th question

do I still get a tenpenny tower penthouse suite if I disarmed the bombed and talked to the tenpenny tower residents to accept ghouls as their neighbours? I mean I stole tenpenny's key but I can't enter that suite of his (not the one with the guard at the door, the other one which has an entry through the balcony on the other side of the balcony with the armchairs where tenpenny used to stay.


thanks in advance

and I'll try to contribute to this site as well, if I see an opportunity to it.


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"but he's white as a ghost, he's whiter than a frickin paper.."


this can be caused if your "flush" setting is too high. its normally right below the skin tone bar in the chargen. reduce this setting and see if you notice a change.


"after i finish the storyline, I suppose i can still wander through the wasteland in open-world, right?"


yes and no. if you dont have the DLC's then you can only play up til your last save point before the game ends. if you have broken steel the game picks up after that point. its important to note you can explore/side quest all you want from that last save point you just cant complete the story or the credits will start rolling.


"can I change my character's race or sex without starting over?"


yes. while in game press the tilde key (~) to bring up the console menu. type "showracemenu" (no quotes), from there you can alter your characters appearance all you want. if youd like to change your name type "shownamemenu".


"I read alot about the haircut bug..."


with the showracemenu command you wont have to worry about such things as visiting pinkerton isnt even necessary.


"if i have no other windows open, but only the game running in fullscreen, and I ALT+TAB to desktop..."


this is a common issue. to make the mouse appear after an alt tab, you can press cntrl alt del. once the task manager comes up, click anywhere on the screen and itll usually show your mouse. exit out of the TM and do w/e you need to do. not the most technical fix i know but hey.. w/e works.. as for the crashing, also a common issue. for myself i find if you pause the game prior to tabbing i can get back in by alt tabbing back to it. ive suggested this to others though and it doesnt help everyone.


"omm show a fallout3.esm file in the list of mods, and I usually ignore it, and all is well."


the fallout3.esm is the essential file in which the game runs. if you only play the game straight you never have to worry about "loading" it as it loads by itself. however once you start adding mods to your game thats where it gets checked and loaded first.


"do I still get a tenpenny tower penthouse suite if I disarmed the bombed..."


as far as i know, no. you choose either apartment based off the decision you make in megaton. as far as i can tell evil characters get the tenpenny suite, and good characters get the megaton house. i could be wrong though. there might be a way to have both houses at once but as i use a custom made house ive never tried.


Hope that helps, welcome to the forums and gl in the game.

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Thank you a million times, you have been very very helpful

I gave you kudos, but I owe you major props for these answers.

anything u need, check it by me to see if I can help :D I'd be glad to do it


Thank you

and see you around :)

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aaah I know i'm not supposed to double-post

but i tried the


console command



not only does my face not appear now... but neither will the menu options

i can hear the ticks when i move the mouse over the place the options are supposed to be

but i can't see a thing

what do you suggest?


nevermind :) I just disabled the console by clicking ~ again and the menu and head appeared

the shade was too high

and pinkerton coulda done that for me too, but i didn't realize shade was for that

thank you again !!! :D

Edited by D_V_A
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6th question

do I still get a tenpenny tower penthouse suite if I disarmed the bombed and talked to the tenpenny tower residents to accept ghouls as their neighbours? I mean I stole tenpenny's key but I can't enter that suite of his (not the one with the guard at the door, the other one which has an entry through the balcony on the other side of the balcony with the armchairs where tenpenny used to stay.

There is a way, try this one 2nd home @ tenpennys



The key you get from Mr. Tenpenny after you shoot him is the key to his own suite.

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oh sweet :D thank you very much



a few more misunderstandings:


1.what's the "vanilla" version of the game? why is it called vanilla? how can a copy of Fallout3 be more vanilla than another?

2.and if I reach Lvl 20, can I still get the rest of the perks that I didn't get up till then? or how do I get those perks?

3.and if I kill all yao-guai and deathclaws in the wasteland... will they still respawn in other aimless roamings of mine?

4.do nuka quantums or steam gauge pumps or any other item i can take in my inventory ever respawn in the wasteland? or once they're taken they're gone?


just... curious :)

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1. forget about the vanilla question :P I figured it out... it's like the default non-modded version, right?


2. when I load a save, it shows I'm at the start of the line between level 20 and 21, but no matter how many mutants/ghouls/creatures I kill it doesn't advance, no more xp points... how can I get the other perks? only by mods?


3. I found a molerat respawning point, I guess the other creatures respawn as well so forget about it :)


4. forget about the items respawning too, I don't care if they respawn or not :)


so only standing question is that of higher levels, more xp points and other perks than what i gathered up till level 20 :)

storyline spoiler! don't read:

in the storyline, my dad just killed himself and I'm running from the enclave with dr. Li, do things go further after a few more missions or am i stuck here?




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