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NMM to recognize OMM scripts


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I recently downloaded Deadly Reflex 6 OMOD; after reading the required files for this file I also downloaded DR 6 patch and NifSE. I downloaded all these files with NMM. When I started to install the files NifSE installed but when I tried to install Deadly Reflex I got a Script not found message with this error message " Parser Errors 17.162 Unexpected input ".". ". I have OMM and OSE and do not understand what script that could be missing. I checked in my Oblivion Data file and NifSE is installed in the correct files according to the readme.file. I have heard that NMM sometimes does not recognize OMM scripts; if this is the case what can I do about it? I have heard good things about Deadly Reflex and would really like to try the mod so any help to resolve this problem would be greatly appreciated.

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Last time I checked, for what it's worth, NMM really did not understand OMOD scripts at all, period.

It was even mistaking script files not meant to be read by it for FOMOD scripts meant to be read by it and threw up an error first OMOD script function it encountered because it didn't know it!


For what it's worth try installing the DR6 "OMOD" through OBMM. Up to now NMM cannot understand nor handle OMODs correctly.

I wonder why one can even download an OMOD or OMOD-ready package with NMM, considering it will only ever inevitably lead to an error message thrown up...

...but maybe they will add some means to prevent it from doing so in future. I'm hopeful in this regard, as the issue is well-known for years.

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How do I download a file to OBMM instead of NMM? I Have been using Download Manager and it automatically downloads thru NMM. I do not know how to download to OBMM; if you could explain the process, keeping in mind I am very much a computer idiot, I would be grateful.


Thank you.

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Either click on the words "download manually" (right beside the Download with Manager button) or click on the downloads name (above that beside the disk icon). It will bring up a dialogue to select server (chose the least busy that's fairly close to your location) and then a standard Windows Save dialogue will come up. I always save my downloads to a named folder I create as a subfolder of my Oblivion_Downloads folder (which I also created on a separate hard drive ... I'm a neat freak in some things). You could do the same or just save to a folder you create on your desktop (click the icon for creating a folder from the Save dialogue ... it'll be there and if you hover your mouse over it the tool-tip will say Create New Folder or similar depending on your version of Windows). Using the dialogue that then pops up you can create your folder (by default it will be named New Folder, and if you don't give it a unique name the next one you create in the same spot will be called New Folder (1) etc ... eventually you'll decide to give your folders names. Follow the instructions in Oblivion Mod Manager's Help (accessed from the menu bar at top) on getting the download installed with OBMM.

Edited by Striker879
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OBMM is not a downloader - it does not download mods. You must manually download the mod before trying to use OBMM


Here is the link to the tutorial on the home page of OBMM - there is a tutorial there, but it is aimed at people who already know how to install mods manually.



And, here is a video tutorial on how to just install the mods

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