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Adding Spells To Items


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Im making a new mod to test, im enchanting some robes that should be enchanted, such as the necromancer robes, king of worms, ect. But I know there is a way to add a spell, does anyone know how to do it? I mean add a spell as in, you equip the item, and a spell is added.
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I think you can apply this script(script from Dr.Chi's D&D Portable Hole):

scn DnDPortableHoleStartScript

short button

begin OnEquip

player.addspell DnDPortableSummon


begin OnUnequip

player.removespell DnDPortableSummon



However, if NPC wears scripted item, instead of the wearer, you will get the spell(or spell effect). So, the script should be like:

scn DnDPortableHoleStartScript

short button
ref actor

set actor to GetSelf

begin OnEquip

actor.addspell DnDPortableSummon


begin OnUnequip

actor.removespell DnDPortableSummon


I don't know if it will work, for I'm no way a scripter.

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