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Crash on save.

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I was doing the Those! quest as I came to the Falls Church exit and tried to use door but the game crashed on auto save I became stuck in Marigold Station I was able to make it out by killing the player and letting the game reload but auto save, quick save, normal save and even saving with the console command failed all end with a crash.


I have tried disabling all mods (I don't have any DLCs)

I killed the player and let the game reload (worked for awhile)

I did not reinstall Fo3 I was kinda avoiding reinstalling

I am using patch 1.6

deleted all .TMP files in the save folder


This is not the first time I had this problem it came up a good while back not long after the game first came out. two times in the same place is a bit odd but it could be a random bug that just happened to pop up there.

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If you have god mode turned on, turn it off then do player.kill in the console. It works for me and I have a similar problem fairly regularly.
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Also if those methods dont work load from a Hard save, assuming you have one. Quick/auto saves often become corrupted especially when modding. Its a good practice to Hard save when you complete quest series so as to not lose hours or even days of work when this happens.


Hope this helps.

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I think I got it now.


I disabled auto save completely (seems it was the main problem).

As soon as I start the game I use player.kill.

I can use quick save but still don't trust it.

Also made sure there was no .TMP files in the save folder.


I did this last night and was able to run the the game for 8+ hours with out a crash.


Thank you for all your help.

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