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Decreased res, new probs


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But minor. I am using darkiu darnified, and recolored. I just dropped my image size from large to medium for the extra fps, and noticed two small things that I find kinda annoying.


1. The menu icons for pages and stats are fuzzy. Everything else is crisp, but these are not. They are the recolored ones, re applying darkui and the coloring does not resolve it.


2. My cross hair has about two extra pixels on the right and bottom. Particularily annoying as my three dot cross hain only HAS three pixels.


I can post SS and/or mod lists, but I just hoping someone has encountered this before.

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Sounds like the mod only supports the high res settings.


I have had similar issues with books that have pictures in them. If i had the texture size turned up, the pictures would be fine. If i turned them down, it would get all fuzzy.


I'm not sure what a solution would be though.

Maybe the maker of the mod has a fix or something.

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