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Conjure warm bed spell. Desperately need this mod


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"Hail summoner, conjure me up a warm bed, won't you?" - Hold Guard

So why not? A spell that would conjure a single bed for 60 seconds or longer when dual cast, and lasts for 1 sleep session. And might as well tweak the guard's reaction so he will say the same dialogue as when a dragon was slain before his eyes like "By the gods, I don't know what to say." or other relevant guard quotes.

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same as the horse summon you get in Dawnguard (arvak)i'd imagine. lasts for 60seconds or until t you stop using it.


i'd imagine this idea could be given other uses too, such as summoning a forge or enchanting table on command, or a daedric merchant. could be cool

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I could not get the target to say the quote. The only thing they can say are the quotes when a friendly spell is cast on them such as healing.

I don't understand fully the duration. If it last for 60 secs, why would it last longer when you sleep on it? Ruins the point of the 60 secs duration if you can sleep in it for as long as you want.

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I could not get the target to say the quote. The only thing they can say are the quotes when a friendly spell is cast on them such as healing.

I don't understand fully the duration. If it last for 60 secs, why would it last longer when you sleep on it? Ruins the point of the 60 secs duration if you can sleep in it for as long as you want.

It lasts for 60seconds, but will only disappear after you stop using it. Just like how the dremora butler lasts 15seconds but won't disappear until after you finished giving him your stuff. Or how you remain invisibile indefinitely when using shadowcloak of Nocturnal, until you interact with objects or people. Or in this case, you sleep for 24hours, and when you wake up the bed is gone.

Edited by Errornamenotfound
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Ok, I see what you mean. I've done the conjure warm bed spell, a single type bed. Only you can sleep in it, if your follower sleeps in it and the 60 secs duration has elapsed, the bed won't disappear. I edited it so only you can sleep in it, to avoid errors. I could not implement the guard quotes you want, the game doesn't seem to allow it, the closest thing they say is as if something weird has happened, like "Hey, don't do that." Do you want it, or just have to quote at all?


Did you have a particular bed in mind? The vanilla game has 7 beds, there's a bed rolll, common bed, dwemer bed, high hrothgar bed, noble bed, orc bed, or upper class bed? Will any type of bed do?

Edited by firepower02
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