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The Engeneering Guild


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Was your nickname generally considered to to be obscene? Or was it something like "Fred?" Maybe the moderator of that forum hates people named Fred or whatever your nickname was.


I sympathize with you though. I got booted out of an international language study site. They never told me why. I didn't do anything wrong. I think they should have said, "THOU SHALT NOT (enter a sin here) !" Then if I persisted in my sinful ways, they should have said, "SINNER MOST FOUL! THOU ART BANISHED! SHOW NOT THY VISAGE HERE AGAIN!" It really turned me off. I am glad that this site has good moderators.

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No, I used the same nickname there as I am using here! :S


If the moderator who erased my account has an account here at TES Nexus I'd gladly accept a post here explaining the reason why I was banned...

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How very odd! When I got booted out of that language studies site, I suspect I got a girl mad at me. I think she told the administrator lies about me to get me in trouble. That is pretty sad though that you can't use the services of the Engineering Guild. It doesn't even seem like you would have had enough time to offend anyone.
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