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How to make NPCs treat custom race (Ningheim) as Nord


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It have been annoyed at npc's not even attempting to rationlise a guess for custom races, I would love to have way tell the game that my custom race character look like choosen standard race. For instance temptress > nord, snowelf > altmer, drow > dunmer and so on. This wil not work for every custom race but it is resonable to belive that people would guess something based ln what they know.
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Actually, I think all you need to do is add the proper keyword to the custom race. I can't remember what the race keywords are off the top of my head, but you can just look at the keywords for the race you want your custom race to be recognized as. They're pretty self-explanatory. Let me know if that works or not. I can take a closer look if necessary.
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  • 2 years later...

I know this is old, came across it while trying to find something else.

What Shimo said is true. This goes for ANY custom race.

1. Open the custom race esp in the Creation Kit.

2. Search and open the custom race by 'Races' in the Object Window.

3. With the race window of the custom race open, search for the Keywords section in the Object window.

4. Once there, either type 'ActorProxyNord' (or 'ActorType' and then whatever race directly after) in the search bar (without quotations) or scroll to find it.

5. There's no need to open this, simply drag & drop it into the 'Keywords' section at the far right of the 'General Data' tab.

6. Profit.

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