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Dynamically change the look of an NPC?


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I'm pretty confident this isn't possible with vanilla scripting but perhaps it can be done with OBSE. I'm wondering if there's a way I can make an NPC in the CS, set up dialogue and all that, but then, through use of a script, have it turn into a duplicate of the player (Face, race, gender, all that) I don't know OBSE very well myself as I've never really used it but I've been trying to go through the function list and haven't seen anything, but I could have easily missed it. Any ideas?
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Well...Wrye did make an NPC morph spell .


perhaps you should take a look at the script/scripts , and try to make an NPC use it on player's character .


Just to make it clear : I'm not suggesting stealing the spell/script edit it and reupload it . I didn't mention asking for permission because I know you would ask ;)

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Hmm, aside from waiting for permission for wrye to rip his script apart, anyone have any other ideas in the mean time? All I can find for OBSE is CopyHair and CopyEyes
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I'd still have to figure out how to switch this copy with the NPC. The NPC is part of a quest and looks identical to the Player save for gear. But with my knowledge of scripting there's now way to just make an NPC look different in-game.
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Well, for starters I need to be able to create the NPC in the CS to add my dialogue and the like. The NPC would make multiple appearances but I assumed this could be controlled doing a simple MoveTo or Disable command. The problem that I'm having though, like I said, is taking a pre-made NPC (IE: Created in the CS) and then using a script to make it look like the player.
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Edit: Got everything working, small oversite on my part. Thanks to QQuix for catching this!



Apparently OBSE has a clone function that I overlooked the first two times scanning the list. I got the clone working, figured out a work-around to have it speak dialogue... problem is, the clone has no items (this was warned as part of the function) but for some odd reason I just can't figure out how to add/equip items to. I know, simple process, but I just can't get it right. Ah well, two thirds of the way done, now just to figure out the remaining third and I'll be happy. Here's the script incase anyone is interested, who knows, maybe I'm overlooking something completely obvious.



Begin GameMode

ref Poison;Ref ID of the Clone
ref PlayerData
short Cloned

If Cloned == 0 && Player.GetInCell EIAncientRuins
set PlayerData to player.GetBaseObject
set Poison to CloneForm PlayerData;Spawns the clone of the player
RuinClone.placeatme Poison
Poison.Additem Lowerrobe01White 1
Poison.EquipItem LowerRobe01White 1
Set Cloned to 1


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