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SIXTH house...


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I know what the sixth house is, i know what the three great houses are.


But WHY is it called the SIXTH house. I mean, why not the fourth because it comes after the 3 great houses? Or doesn't it have anything to do with numbers? Or is it something that happened in the history of morrowind? Answers welcome ???

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Quite correct, while the fourth house (Indoril) appears at least in the form of the ordinators' armour in Vivec, the fifth house (Dres) is only mentioned from time to time in some books you can find in Morrowind.
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Although, there are mods to join 6th house, and TR will allow you to join Dres/Indoril.



would be nice, to have a total new main quest. Instead of fighting dagoth ur, you become his loyal servant. Dagoth ur position 1, Vampire dagoths are at 2, other dagoths 3, sleepers 4, ash slave 5... Grow in the evil guild and become the leader of the sixth house... Maybe il make it some day.

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  • 4 weeks later...
But i cannot join Dagoth Ur in basic Morrowind, can i? I was there once, but i was only able to talk to him, but i couldn' do anything. Only kill his muppet cave and real dagoth immediately started attack.
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No, you must destroy Dagoth Ur to complete the main quest. However, it is painfully obvious that this was not how the game was planned -- if you successfully open a dialog with Sixth House servants, you will find that many of the have two unique greetings, each of the Ash Vampires have their own dialog trees, and some named Dagoths will even offer services.


Furthermore, I have played through the Sixth House mod, albeit a while ago, and would not recomment it based on my experiences.

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