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Animation request


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Hello, I don't think this should be too hard as its small, but basically I'm requesting for a mod to be made that changes the spell casting animations to look like this : Sorry I know the pic is a little vague but thats the best one I could find that shows what im requesting. And yes, the char in the pic is a man xD shocking I know!


Basically the request is to change the casting animation to the one in the pic, the hand sign the man/woman is doing. It doesn't have to be elaborate or anything, just show the char making the sign and cast the spell.



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Hello, I don't think this should be too hard as its small, but basically I'm requesting for a mod to be made that changes the spell casting animations to look like this : Sorry I know the pic is a little vague but thats the best one I could find that shows what im requesting. And yes, the char in the pic is a man xD shocking I know!


Basically the request is to change the casting animation to the one in the pic, the hand sign the man/woman is doing. It doesn't have to be elaborate or anything, just show the char making the sign and cast the spell.



Anybody interested?

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Sephiroth released these kuji-in animations... I love them :3 But unfortunatelly I'm just to lazy to get them to work in-game! And guess what, 1st and 3rd person animations!! 8D


He's been kinda dead lately though... PM box full, and I can't contact him >_>

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Haha thanks for the link, but it's a resource, and theyre not naruto ones. Also, casting a spell with all of those handsigns would take forever. I'm only looking for the one in the pic. Still, im surprised nobody's truly interested in making this. It'd be extremely popular due to our lack of naruto mods.


Thanks though xD.

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