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Everything posted by Deleted1082189User

  1. Excellent features to implement. Especially the sticky-notes feature. It gets hard to go through an entire page of unformatted, mega-font, rainbow-colored, gramatically illegible run-on paragraphs below a massive banner declaring the name of the mod (which, since you're viewing the page, is likely something you already know) sometimes, so it's easy to miss some important facts. Can't wait to see the NMM issue fixed too.
  2. I agree whole-heartedly with the OP. When I played Oblivion (I wasn't a Morrowind veteran, Oblivion was my first TES game), it was an engaging storyline. In the main storyline, you worked with people in a back-and-forth fight between two organizations that meant business, and you were on the losing side. You weren't the god of everything, whose voice rains down hell on the people you smite. You were just an excellent fighter, and you had the bravery and the skill to do what others generally could not. When you fought with the Blades, the Blades fought with you. They invaded the gates of TES-hell, manning the tough stations and making sure it didn't destroy Tamriel. When you gathered your fighting force, you took the fight to the demons by uniting the various cities in a last-stand against powerful cultists who wanted nothing more than your destruction. Here's Skyrim's approach: You're God's child and you have about 6 friends. Go scream at a dragon and make it go away. We won't be thanking you when you save the world. We will, however, appreciate it. It was disappointing.
  3. Ahh, alrighty then. Well, I apologize in that case, but it is still a pain to see files that normally would be blocked being deceitfully mis-tagged by authors. I'd like to think the popular vote generally doesn't get it wrong, though I don't have the experience as a mod author necessary to know about it. Perhaps there's a middle ground that could be achieved? I can't think of any off-hand, though.
  4. Well, I'm glad you agree. The tag system shouldn't allow for something like this to happen, and could be helped simply by removing the ability to dictate what it registers your mod as. It sounds odd at first, since you obviously want a mod author to have control, but when they purposely deceive users by mis-tagging it, it's a pain, because rather than a simple armor mod, I suddenly find something completely unrelated. And thank you for the suggestion, I'd love to go through some of Skyrim Gem's list. The sheer number of mods here means there are gems I might not otherwise find, so thank you! Please reread the original post. Edited this post a metric f-ton of times due to me failing at life.
  5. Hey, everyone. So I was browsing through some mods to find some new stuff for my male character, and I noticed a skimpy female mod. To avoid this, I blocked female-only tagged content from being seen. I figured that since not everyone bothers to tag, it was just overlooked, and decided to try to tag it. It was pretty clear upon seeing the first image it was an anime-female-skimpy mod, and I was going to tag it as such so I'd make the results more to my liking, since, again, I have skimpy anime stuff blocked. It turns out that the mod author "disagreed" that their skimpy female anime mod was, indeed, a skimpy female anime mod. They had down-voted every tag relating to the issue and made certain anyone who didn't want to see a half-naked chick with unreasonably revealing armor would be seeing it anyway. That being said, my suggestion is to remove the ability for mod authors to simply decide what tags are on their mods. It sounds ridiculous at first, but tags are there for the purpose of filtering content. If a mod author can make their "XXX sexy anime pose XXX" mod register as a male armor mod in the tags, downvoting any tag votes to the contrary, then it defeats the entire purpose. When I browse the site for male armor mods, male animation mods, etc., I want to find male-only or unisex content. I get that mod authors want a degree of control over how people see their content, but this kind of control is prone to abuse, and can be visibly seen by how certain mod authors love to get rid of the anime, skimpy, NSFW etc. tags just so they get that extra advertisement. I just want to find cool new armor for my barbarian dude. I'm not interested in "Sephiroth sexy female skimpy walk"
  6. Yeah, it's frustrating because playing a male character is difficult when you want to find mods for them. Most people stick to skimpy armor for females.
  7. If anyone's up to the challenge, I would love to see a better male walking animation. You see, the current one simply looks odd. It feels like my character is stumbling around, unable to figure out how to walk correctly. That, or he's trying to look bigger than he really is. The current mod support for male characters is lacking. Any animation that affects males is usually a bow/magic animation mod, and the only walking mods out there are pretty much XX SEXY LADY WALK XX and other female-only animation mods. If any modder out there agrees with me, you'd be my savior if you could make a more natural male walk animation.
  8. @Drake: Being aware of TOS has nothing to do with being aware of execution. The reason people see this and think "damn, that's strict" is because they probably didn't break a rule and weren't insta-banned. This blog made them aware of the possibility of it should they break a rule. No need to insult everyone who didn't have reason to be aware of how strict the execution of rules was on here. They simply didn't break one.
  9. @ Nemesis: Nobody's making a "new society" online. The Nexus family of sites has essentially unintentionally monopolized the mod "industry" as it were, since no site that I know of is nearly as popular while providing mod upload/download services properly. This post was to say that the new system will handle gray areas where minor infractions would have originally constituted an instant ip-ban/everything ban from everything with the word "Nexus" in it, instead delivering visible warnings and measures to stop it from occurring again. These "torrents of abuse" will always be dealt with here and in any reasonable site, strict, moderate, or otherwise. That's why trolls flock to 4chan/9gag. Those are the only sites that they can gather without being insta-banned for acting childish. An insta-ban policy is not necessary to deal with trolls, but since it is how the Nexus moderation team feels like doing it, we are powerless to stop it. It is completely viable to run this site with leniency and still be free of trolls, simply by relaxing the standards in which context is taken. Perhaps that is what this new system is meant to do. We'll see in time.
  10. I like this change. Hopefully this marks more leniency in the rules, since I've seen certain posts get users perma-banned that I don't personally feel warranted it. I feel like the rules were made strict to the point of simply being strict based on principle, often going overboard and, at times, mods seemed to be trying to humiliate or degrade trolls and the like (which really just lowers ones-self to their maturity level in turn). Hopefully this marks a more reasonable approach to rules, since, realistically, few people are willing to read the TOS of a site (it's like bashing someone for breaking a minor infraction on iTunes' TOS because they didn't read the 60-page doctrine on how you would approach the program in the first place). Overall, my main concern was with posting. A major push factor from me being active in the community is the "one-and-done" approach. Since I don't feel like being IP-banned, I like to keep quiet and download mods, and even this comment is typed with some hesitation. Yes, 4.7 million users are great, but a lot more activity would probably be seen in the forums if people didn't have the constant threat of banning looming over them. Of course, this is my opinion, some people wish to be complete hard-asses, others let users run wild, and me, I prefer a moderate approach to..well, moderation! At the very least, thanks for the additional transparency even if little leniency is offered. It is nice to see proof so it doesn't look like mods are being abusive.
  11. @clintster74: Don't tell me what to do. If you can't handle us non-donor heathens expressing feedback, then that's just tough. If I don't like a feature or change in the site, and I care to express it, I'm going to, with or without the ranting of needy premium members. Put up or shut up, son. Put up or shut up. @Dark0ne: The speedup idea was great and the new layout makes more sense. More content is being displayed at once and I like it. Now I can see latest files' screenshots and find what interests me more quickly, and for me, the page load is at least twice as fast. Kalekunai Mod user Small/Personal Mod author Non-premium supporter of the Nexus
  12. Awesome features, and looking forward to the modifications to how moderation is handled (insta-ban for minor offenses is far too harsh). Excellent work.
  13. Even after verifying, removing meshes/textures folders and reinstalling my texture pack (the HD Skyrim 2K one), the texture is still messed up.
  14. Being one of the lucky ones whose copy of Skyrim generally doesn't suffer from lag/bugs, I find myself annoyed with my first major one. Here's a screenshot: http://i1183.photobucket.com/albums/x475/Overmind267/ScreenShot2.jpg As you can see, certain parts are blacked out, which, according to my searches on google, means the textures failed to load. Reloading the game, however, isn't helping. Any advice?
  15. I'm not going to reinstall the game yet again, and I already use everything you mentioned save for wyre Flash. The INI has been backed up and used/re-used with the same results. I also don't use any mods that should be causing such an issue, as the only texture/mesh packs I use are weapon retextures and detailed normals, and everything else can be disabled. Also, these crashes only occur in certain areas, not at random. Going anywhere near the Divide entrance is one of the places, and I just recently found out I can't go to the Happy Trails Caravan quest area. HH crashing isn't too detrimental since I've already completed it. I just want to be able to play LR.
  16. Neither worked, as it's not a mod issue. I've tried deactivating all mods, and simply entering the general area of the LR DLC entrance crashes the game. I've tried running in compatability mode with both XP and Vista, Vsync off and on, INI file modified, configator used, mods deactivated, archiveinvalidation disabled, etc. with the same results. Any other ideas would be appreciated, as I'd hate to have spent money on a DLC I'm not even able to play.
  17. I disabled all my mods, tried to enter the canyon wreckage, and crashed. Not sure what is causing this, but I crash in certain areas, including the canyon wreckage. I only CTD in certain areas, too. Any ideas would be appreciated.
  18. I'm about to pull my hair out after several days of constant debugging in Fallout NV. Here's my mod load order: FalloutNV.esm DeadMoney.esm HonestHearts.esm OldWorldBlues.esm IWS-Core.esm iHUD.esm Lings.esm SKINNY in Vegas Basic.esm OFT_Merge_All.esp Purge Cell Buffers.esp Readius_NV.esp SaveKey.esp populatedcasino.esp IWS-Core-Patrols.esp IWS-Core-Guards.esp IWS-Core-Civilians.esp IWS-AS-HighSpawns.esp NCR Rearmament v1.5.esp TGsArmorCollectionVegas.esp Immersive Karma with NoStealingKarma.esp ShilohDS-Color Maps and Icons.esp noautoaim.esp Bullet Impact Increased LOD.esp dD - Enhanced Blood Main NV.esp dD-Smaller Wounds.esp dD-Reduced Dismember Force.esp dD-Reduced Ragdoll Force.esp dD-No Screen Blood.esp dD-Smaller Spatters Realistic.esp Vurt's WFO.esp F3NVProjectRealityMkIv4.2.esp Interior Lighting Overhaul-Realistic Interiors-Full.esp ILO-RI-Dead Money.esp ILO-RI-Honest Hearts.esp ILO-RI-Old World Blues.esp DK Caucasians.esp LingsPrettyThings.esp Ranger Combat Armor Retex.esp Realistic Battle.esp K900 Edit.esp DragbodysLegionReplacerV01.esp LegionGladiatorPA.esp Anywhere-anytime-fasttravel.esp Every time I launch the game it either crashes, loads and then crashes, or loads, let's me walk around, but as soon as objects fade in and out it then crashes. I have gone through the list several times with obnoxiously inconsistent results, and can't figure out which ones are the problem mods. Neither the community bugfix compilation patch or the newer CTD reducer worked. Please help.
  19. I recently got back into Fallout NV and am now experiencing random crashes, as well as a consistent crash when trying to exit the casino in Primm where you save Deputy Beagle (I believe it was the Bison & Steve Lucky Casino, if I'm not mistaken). I am unable to leave without crashing, as it either CTDs or freezes at the loading screen. I tried disabling every mod, ESP and ESM alike, until I had only the base Fallout ESM and every DLC except Lonesome Road enabled. Still crashing. Any ideas?
  20. My game just recently began having this problem as well. I managed to save just fine on a new game, but my usual save file is not working. I can load it and the game will work just fine with no issues, but when I save, I CTD. The save file's there and corrupted. I can load the file I used before to attempt saving again, but the same thing happens; I CTD, and get a new, corrupted save file.
  21. From what I understand, storing your blood in a coffin will allow you to still use your magic while not losing it? Here would be the disadvantage: Your blood level is halved, so you will be able to use less blood magic, at the cost of preserving the other half to prevent yourself from starving. The sun will damage you accordingly, but you will not lose blood magic during the day. This also provides the convenience that you could designate a certain amount of blood for survival, while the other half can be used freely for the sake of blood magic. Of course, once you reach 50% blood level, you can't cast any spells requiring blood until you get above 50% again. Replacements ------------------------ "Taste of Death" - If you can't already feed on a corpse, let the player feed on the corpse with the replacement for this spell. If we already can feed on a corpse (I can't remember from the last version >_<) then I'm not sure what else you could replace it with. "Etheral Summoning" - Replace it with a new self-casting spell "Etheral Presence", which will apply the ethereal (Night Mother) shader, allow you to resist normal weapons for 100% (but be completely vulnerable to silver, deadric, and enchanted items, as well as magic, so it's not too powerful) and (if you want) disable collision so you can walk through units (not sure if you can exclude walls from such an ability). So basically, normal weapons go through you without harming you, and you can walk through units (again, not walls, as that would be entirely unbalancing). The reason I'm not suggesting active combat spells for replacers is that any mod can provide a summon skeleton champion spell, or a shiny new shock spell and name it accordingly. If you want to attract people from the endless mob of generic spell mods out there, you need to make sure your spells are unique and interesting, not just another "summon epic ghost of 1337" spell. I really hate those mods. Regent Disadvantage ------------------------------------ Perhaps enemies with a high resistance would also be resistant to psychic radiance, but I can't think of a disadvantage since the talent itself barely has an advantage (unless the attribute/skill bonus and decrease are both quite large). Enemies with a high magic resistance, in-character-wise also being natural born leaders, could probably resist someone's psychic influence.
  22. Or, that could just be a screenshot of an NPC using the alchemy station... Could be. I prefer to be optimistic about it though.
  23. Agreed. It would seem that proffessions now don't just bring up a menu. It appears as though we will see our character doing their thing at the alchemy bench or the anvil for blacksmithing as we create things. That definately brings a much better sense of immersion, since just bringing up a menu like a cookbook and instantly making items is simply boring. It's one of the reasons I never cared for crafting in video games. You never saw anything. You just brought up a page, put stuff in it, and voila. You got a new pair of pants.
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