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Ordenador texture optimizer help!


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I used Ortenador texture optimizer today and it didn't workout for me, I re-installed all my unaltered, uncompressed back-ups into my data folder, however my moon in the night sky is pitch black textured. How do I get it looking orange and with all the crater detail that's missing?


I would really appreciate any help!


Thank you,




This is not how it should look! --> http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/1280x1024q90/834/tw63.jpg


This is how it should look! --> http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/1280x1024q90/33/8gi5.jpg



Edited by Systemlord30
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Have you tried forwarding another day or so? There are nights when the moon can be pitch black and has nothing to do with compressed textures.


Alternatively, you can try downloading a moon retex just to test. Goodluck.

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