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Looking to remove black tape


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So I've looked through the mods, the mod requests, even searched tape less

I'm looking for a mod that removes the annoying black tape from the strippers on prostitutes

Not looking to turn game into a nudist colony :P heh
just those specific NPCs

I know its kinda petty but playing a game that has swearing and violence and blood galore (but your not allowed to see a topless stripper) just drives me batty!

I figure I cant be only one with this particular complaint

But cant seem to find the mod to do it
I've tried a few Body mods and while they great mods for sure, they change body under the clothes/tape. The exterior still stays the same as taped

Thanks in advance for any help directing me to the required mod for this

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Oh figured it out!

Tape is not a body texture but is a armor
so I was looking in the wrong sections

need to look in the armor mod section and then just find a mod (was a number of them) that replace that armor design.

When I made post I was thinking it was a specific body texture that was censored.

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