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Problems with screenshots


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For some reason, now that I have gotten back into playing Oblivion, Screenshots have been working in a strange way. When I take a screenshot, I no longer see the "Screenshot saved as..." message at the top right of my screen. And now, what is really annoying, is that the screenshots are saving with random numbers at the end, starting with the first screenshot at 865, then 4346, 4372, 4399, 4425, and 4451 for the first six screenshots. And not only will they continue going up at random intervals, they will randomly go down as well, meaning when I look in the folder they are crazy and out of order. Needless to say, this is infuriating and I would love to find a fix. Has anyone else had this problem? Or is it just me? Or is it related to a mod or something? Thanks in advance for any help.

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Not playing Obilivion, but Fallout3, I might be able to give you some insight to your problem (same game engine). If you disable menus with the console command "tm", you will not see the "Screenshot saved as....." message.

I also have the random numbers added, however, I have some HD textures and I am running a better graphics card than I used to. This has resulted in my getting two images everytime I make a screen shot. One in regular definition and another in HD.


Hope this helps.

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I already know about tm in the console. The thing is, I am not toggling the menus off to take screenshots. That may be from COBL, the way they remove annoying messages popping up. I don't know, I will need to run some tests.

And it is good to know that I am not the only person with the random numbers thing. I am getting a feeling this whole thing is because of the mods I have installed. I'm going to try a reinstall over the weekend, and see if vanilla still has these issues. Thank you for the response.

Help/insight is still welcome! Anyone else having this problem?

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I get the random screenshot numbering when I have an ENB installed. Also if you have FRAPS or Bandicam running you will have random numbered screenshots also.

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