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Looking for a Scripter


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Sup guys im looking for a scripter for my project. the project is featured with a new cave and a new player owned alchemy/magic house, a small village . if you would like to help me please by all means post a comment and tell me if you want to know more information or if you would like to help me. thanks :D :thanks: :thanks:
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I'm sorry but that doesn't sound that specific..

Do you refer to Quests, AI, Scripting or all together, because I've got the feeling scripting gets generalized.

An often done mistake, cause everything concerning CS, in general, could be called scripting then..

and a Quest could involve all parts of your mod...


It would help if you tell what you want to achieve..

I guess the 'player owned'-part means you want to sell the place? Meaning you can 'buy' different options?

If you elaborate on what you exactly want, chances increase people want to do it for you...

The other topic suggests some hidden tasks, as a new guild gets involved...Its useful to tell in which environment you're going to place those tasks.

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well i practically need quests some ai help and someone who can do general scripting or even a skilled scripter.the enivronment in which this is going to take place is the N.W of skingrad in the ?jerall? mountains. i can create all that is said, buldings caves ect
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Its not the differences that troubled me, but the workload :).. The script shouldn't be that much work.

With a quest/dialogue the work intensifies however...

Lol.. no NW of skingrad are... the colovian highlands, a bit less cold :)....


I could help you, but I will only do the scripting part, as I have enough quests at my hand to do already.

If you're willing however, I can show you how to do the quests yourself. As I think this isn't going to be your only mod :)...Better now than later, eh?

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