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My followers are naked?!


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Okay, so I fnally got my mods working in harmony (or so I thought) and I'm walking through town and I see Aela walking around in all of her glory (naked). I have a modded Aela so I figured it was just the mod but I checked another modded follower, Yumi, and she was naked as well. I have armor replacers installed (which is where I figure the problem lies). Is there anyway of having non-naked followers and my armor replacers too? I'm the "have my cake and eat it too" kinda guy.


Installed Mods:


FNIS Behavior

Calientes Vanilla Outfits for CBBE

Cloaks of Skyrim

Alternate Start - Live Another Life

Apachii Sky Hair

Calientes Female Body Mod Big Bottom Edition -CBBE-

Default Outfits for Females Elder NPCs with Vanilla or UNP body

Enhanced Skyrim Followers - Aela the Huntress

Hitokiri Follower Tomoe

Yumi - Follower Mod



Ehanced Blood Textures

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  • 7 years later...

No one ever solved?


I have the same issue. Every modded follower is naked. I only have the Valdimar replacer Veronica and Amara the succubus. I assumed when I first saw Veronica walking around naked that was just that mod.


I'm thinking open the esm in ck and check the default armors, but, I'm super new even though it's an old game and I'm guessing. I'm not even sure if you load master esm's with the mod esm's or not and then when you do edit an esm do you need the old one still?

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  • 1 year later...

there is a simple solution - you can use mods which give you the dialog option to select clothes or armor for npc. use that. i use this in fo4 and it works fine. it's a known bug that some npc appear naked. maybe someone knows the name of this mod with this extended npc dialog option in sse.

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