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(Request) Lara Croft Hair Mod


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Ok I have looked all over the internet and through multiple different hair mods and have yet to see any Lara Croft Hair mods (the long single braided hair). I have found a few for Morrowind but not for Oblivion. Because of this I am requesting and asking if anyone would create this hair style or if it has been done where I might find it. Thanks.
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yeah I have that one and it looks great except the bangs and I have even try to set it to a hair style in the CS but it wont work. It comes out bald with the braid. Thank you though






I have found a perfect one but it is for morrowind here http://www.elricm.com/Mods/Faces/faces.htm#Angelina. If someone could make this work on Oblivion that would be awesome

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