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A Little Something We Call Halo Meeting Morrowind


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it only lasts a year though ( which sux :P  )


Wrong version. There's one that costs $500ish, with no time limit or removed features. The only limit is you can't use it (legally) for commercial purposes.


and I just wish that every modder didn't have a fee or comissions for someone to do the mods, and for those who can't mod or don't have 3ds max on their comp, where is the compassion? )


Not everyone does, just me. Doing it well takes time, and spending a couple hundred hours on your project would be a low guess. That's not a time committment people make easily. You might have more luck searching for volunteers than most, since Halo is so popular, but not by much.


It has nothing to do with compassion, just simple common sense. What would you say if I asked you to devote all your free time for 3 months to do some Rhino work for me, and all you get at the end is "thanks"?


The problem is there are two kinds of 3d artists:


1) Those who are horrible at what they do, and whose work you don't want.


2) Those who are good, and who already have more projects of their own and desperate requests for help than they can do in one lifetime.



So that leaves you with a few choices:


1) Accept the low quality work, and produce a bad mod.


2) Hope to get lucky and find someone good who's interested, which is very unlikely. Honestly, 95% of requests I see in various places don't get even a single modeler to help.


3) Learn it and do it yourself, involving a ton of time and dedication from you.


4) Pay someone to put aside their other projects and do your work.

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of course choice 4 depends on how much you actually need to spend and ask how much the fee is. ( per month, year, or week, or something else ) I'm ok with choice 4 but I just need to know how much it costs, I mean what's your highest project bidder paying you? As I've said in my other some odd posts, my parents can't keep up with the bills. ( well... they can, but I can't get money from them, only through mowing the lawn which is $10 per week, and winter is starting in about 2 more months ) also, I found another 3D modeling source called MilkShape 3D, though I'm not sure if it can do meshes, and textures, it basically costs $30 per month if you register the product, it also has a 30 day free trial, too bad I couldn't download because of the f'en link, said I needed ( in other words, "downloading" another extraction program when I have WinRAR )GetRight... Of course I don't entirely trust it... my dad is going to look MilkShape up.
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you know i've been wondering... I just looked at your User Photo ( Mini Profile ) and it seems you have AOL, now why can't we just discuss this in the IM area? would be a lot easier.
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ok just wanted to chime in here... your modding a game... to be another game... that is already out... like... thief3 mod for doom3... orrrrrr a mario mod for zelda... i have halo 2... its good... i play it... why do i want to play it in morrowind?
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