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Postpone College of Winterhold Quest Line?


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Can someone please make a mod that postpones the College of Winterhold quest line? I don't mind the quest line but I want to go to the College to actually learn stuff for training. But instead I get one lesson about a kind of magic I never use and then I get dumped into the College's problems and things go from bad to worse. I really wish Bethesda would stop forcing us to pursue the guild quest lines. I just want training there from all the mage trainers as it's nice to have a place where they can mostly all be found. But it's really annoying cause I know that I will instantly be dumped into their quest line if I want to get alteration training, for example. So basically if someone could make a mod that postpones the quest line or tells me how to do that I would really appreciate it. I can't make mods but I can vaguely use batch files and console commands.


Many thanks in advance!

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Choice is Yours - Fewer Forced Quests - Improved Dialogue Options will cut out some of the 'forcing'. I hate it when my quest log gets cluttered...almost as much as I hate being strong-armed into playing a 'finger wiggler'. In fact, it was my loathing for that entire questline which prompted me to create Mulligan - College of Winterhold - if you are fair at using batch files (and can follow instructions pretty closely), my 'mod' shaves the entire questline down to about 20 minutes or so.

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