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I'm requesting a mod that does a player change like in GTA V.

I don't want the fancy player change (The google maps style player change)


I want these things to appear in the mod:

1. Create 3 characters (Essential)

2. Add transition cutscenes (I don't want the cutscenes, only I want to make the player to appear in the locations you like)

3. Player voices (I don't want a lot, but this can be a good idea)

4. Starting home (Just an simple Alternate start)

5. A power named Change Character and will show the name of the characters (a text menu to select them)



Edited by ibiss
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I asked for the same thing a time ago, but i think it would be quite to much scriptwork bro:/


I think that someone did something, but you must use other NPC as base. Is named Alternate Actors.

I'm using Cider, and Wineskin works bad for me. I want a non-SKSE version of this atleast.

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