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Graphics Question

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I just installed Fallout 3 on a new CPU and occasionally in the game I will get the main title screen flickering over about 1-2 inches of the right side of the screen. I have no other problems other than this at this point. Does anyone have any idea what this may be and how to correct?


CPU is,


Intel i7

3 GB ddr3 ram

Geforce 9800gt

Window Vista 64 bit SP1

DirectX 10


I just updated all drivers since I just recieved the computer and I have installed Fallout 3 in it's own folder, not in the programs folder, to avoid and UAC issues with Windos Vista. I would greatlu appreciate any advice or ideas about this. Thank you.

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I am not real good with windows but there is a clock and CPU & RAM usage items on that side. If that is what you are refering to what is the best way to disable. I am new to PC gaming so please forgive my ignorance. all the info I used getting to where I am I did by researching on many sites and forums including this one.


I figured out the sidebar and it may have been the problem. I wil update if it doesn't work. Thank you for the pointer on the side bar and for the warm welcome, Skotte.

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yea just close windows side bar, if you need it again you can find it here C:\Program Files\Windows Sidebar just click the exe file.
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