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Mancahar Camoran not apearing!


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Today I got the weirdest of ideas, I'll finish the main quest. I closed the Bruma gate, took the Grand Sigil Stone, I entered Paradise, went all the way to Camoran. I was so exited to finally complete the game and when enter his paradise, HE'S NOT THERE!! I tried to jump to the stage where he starts speaking, but that doesn't work. Jumping to the end of the quest, After Camoran is dead, is not an option, since I like to hear his speech and so, cuz I like lore, and c'mon, he's the final boss.


Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance.


Peace out, Fnork Banan.

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Bugs, they're annoying at Oblivion as well in the real world.


To the problem, maybe it's a problem with mod, so disable all mods then try it again. If it doesn't work, you may have done something bad that broke the game. Maybe it's a problem with Dagon Shrine quest, since Mankar Camoran teleport from there to the Paradise, maybe something makes him failed to teleport to Paradise. But what I think is a mod problem. (possibly load order problem.)


I don't think that's the problem with Dagon Shrine, it's just one of my silly ideas. Another possibility is you are not patched to 1.2. It's also recommended for you to download "Unofficial Oblivion Patch."

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I have both 1.2 and unofficiall, but I'll try removing mods.


Edit: I tested dissabling all mods, it didn't work. But as I recall, when I stole the mysterium Xarxes, I ran up, took it, and teleported meself outa there with an amulet. I am not sure if he managed to close the portal, and therefore he might not have teleported to Paradise.

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If you didn't get the quest update, saying that Mankar Camoran escaped with the Amulet of Kings during the quest "Dagon Shrine", chances are he's still in the caverns with his arms outstretched, or even possibly in Cloud Ruler Temple. The only known fix is to reload a really earlier save, my friend.
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