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Griffon in oblivion!


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Hi there oblivion modders and just people who play the game :wink: . Griffons, or however you like to spell it... are my one of my favorite fantasy creatures. I am looking for some one to make a mod that puts a griphon in the game. maybe even a quest line involving it. I'm not sure if I want it to talk yet. But if you could, it would be nice if you could add some voice acting in it, a wise voice. Make him wise too.



Here are a few ideas for the quest. Your player is walking in the imperial city, and finds a feather, a very large feather, and there is a trail of them leading outside the city. you follow it to a gryphion nest. There is a nest there. With an egg, a large large egg. You decide to look for the parent. while searching around the nest you see a note (written by the parents) It says it's name (grey talon) , and it also tells about how they are going out to fight a grave beast threatening their nest. ( it was written by the mother) it says that the egg's father went off to try and fight it to protect the nest. Then it says, I don't think your father is comming back I have to kill it to save you. If I do not come back I want you to go to the gryf-------.

The note ends there at the end there are two feathers, the mother's and the father's. You decide to take it in. You put it in your house, NOT in your enventory, and the next nite it turns into a baby gryphon! :D You decide to read it to the gryffon, by selecting to talk to it and pick, read to it) It is stunned, and gets very sad. Then it questions what it would say at the end of the letter. Then it remembers about the Gryffon gathering place. Then you set off there, when you get there there are different types of griphons there, spotted, dark color, light colors, different types. You make the rest. and make a evil creature tha wants all grifons dead, the creatures killed greytalon's parents. make a connection between the player and the griffon, like they can't be separated, make greytalon the chosen one to kill all the evil creatures, the player is also the chosen one. Go on from there. (geez I could write a book about this)



For all the non modders that read this, try and fing something odd in this. hint it is a word used over and over. :thanks: for reading! If our going to make it :thanks: :thanks: :thanks: :thanks: :thanks: :thanks: !!!!







Neat looking pics of the griffons, It would be nice to have them look like this.

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I will take a look at the pegasus mount. Is the Akatosh mount the same? I am going to look at that one as well.

I aim to make the mesh, texture and animation originally by me though.


Though my own intentions at first was to make a griffon similar to the maplestory griffon (it's cute and I don't need anyone trolling about what I play or like) but I will also make some tough looking griffons for those who don't dwell on cute things... Not like I do dwell on that but I'm crazy.




Modeling, texturing and animating are no problem at all. Scripting is the reason why I won't make a quest for it.


Sounds? There will definitely be sounds... birds are loud and noisy... in my opinion so a mute griffon is just way too awkward.


Sounds like a plan?

Alright enough of my blabbering... I'm going to start on it in a bit.

oh and of course I won't make an exact replica of the ms version... of course not... I don't want to infringe anything... no way...

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