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Make Forge Menu Only Have Vanilla Items?


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Hi, longtime Oblivion Player here; I recently got into Skyrim.


It's a bit immersion-breaking when the item forging menu lets me create some items that are clearly meant for higher level characters, such as those from Immersive Weapons or Unique Bows Collection.


Is there a mod which makes the forge only display "vanilla" items, letting the modded items only be found in the wilderness? If not, is there a guide on how to remove crafting recipies from already existing mods, using the TES5 Creation Kit?



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Several options...


If the mod has means to obtain outside of crafting:

Use TES5Edit or the CK to delete the appropriate constructable object (or recipe) records.


If the mod only offers access through crafting:

You can add a condition to the recipe that requires the player to be a specific level (or any other condition you wish), the item will only show up when all conditions are true.


Do note that if you modify a mod you may void any support you might receive.

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Thanks for the reply; TES5Edit looks very useful. Also, sorry, but I'm pretty new to this.


I'm assuming I load the mods I want to affect, then delete the entries "...recipe[weapon name]" under "xxx.esp / constructible object"? Is there a guide out there on what different parameters mean (eg. "conditions / condition / CTDA - / function")

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Okay, I used the Creation Kit to delete recipes. There was a youtube video on how to make recipes which helped a lot, too. Thanks for the help.


I think CCO only does that for mods that are made to let it do that, but I'm not sure.

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