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Marry Babette?


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So I know it's kinda pervy but I don't care since I want to use it for a pervy play through with mods from a different website that shall not be named. Needless to say I was wondering if someone could make a simple mod that allows you to marry Babette the vampire in the Dark Brotherhood like you would any other spouse in Skyrim. You'd only be able to earn her favor once the entire Dark Brotherhood quest-line is complete in order for the mod to make sense. Then you could ideally have her as a follower or set up shop in your home. Technically she is legal because she's really a 300 year old woman/vampiress. So...any takers?


Many thanks in advance and fingers crossed!! :smile:


P.S. Are there any other marriage mods that would enable this? Or could I use the marriage console command? I don't really wanna use that though as that feels like cheating and vanilla dialogue would be much better if possible even if unvoiced. If you think about it, Babette or Serana would make the perfect wives (as far as ladies go) because they are vampires and thus, immortal, unless killed through other means. Also Babette isn't as bitchy as Serana is in my opinion.



Edited by Lisnpuppy
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I sure someone can make mod it, but she is still child you know...even 300 years old.

I think is ok because if you marry vampire you are necrofile anyway, so what bedofile matter anymore right;)


I think if someone made her just small female and say she turn vampire 18 years old... Then its ok


Pervert game need big boobs and nice ass not child you know...

Edited by Thamus
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Despite her "true" age she still has the look and body of a child. No mod like this could be hosted here on the Nexus. I am sure UK law (where this site is hosted) has similar laws to the U.S. The U.S. does not allow portrayal of explicit sex acts with minors and this includes women and men who are of age but are deliberately made to be referred to as a minor and are depicted delibertly to look like a child.


I am closing this thread. Do not ask for a mod like this here again. Thank you.~Lisnpuppy

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