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Several NPCs drain FPS

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Gasp!! I found the problem (or a part of it). I removed the weOCPS.dll!!! The fps jumps up of 10 frame!!


Gosh, I had that .dll installed and without it my frame rate became 5-7 higher!

Thank you for having this mod discussion


but; it makes my Oblivion more unstable and Ive CTS where I didnt have before. AFK_Wyre for example

Edited by astrob0y
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The weOCPS creates a log everytime it traps a problem/error on a plugin or other. I have no error from one year and on, so it is useless (at least for me).

Try to look for the weOCPS.log and the crash reason inside the log, so fix the problem in the relative plugin.

Ive yet not gotten a crash (that isnt directly connect with the issue that is around steam and OBSE). Will post here as soon as I get one that is connected to what weOCPS.log. produces.


Back to on topic:

serval npcs+ai really drains the fps for me as well and I do hope Ive a pc that is above the "the pc requirements for...". I believe its nothing to do about it and just accept that the game is bound to 32-bit/single cpu :(

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I don't think being for 32-bit or not has to do anything with it. I do get low fps too when I encounter several npcs but that's only because I have high resolution textures installed. Without them my fps are just fine. In exterior cells,where I don't have any textures/meshes installed except "Enhanced Water" and "Autumn Trees" (the latter affects only some trees) and,my game runs decent enough although I have view distance,grass distance and distant trees on max plus casting shadows on grass. Keep in mind that my machine is nothing special.


Alenet and astroboy,do you have any mods installed that alter npcs? (I should've asked this earlier)

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No mods that alter the NPCs or the AI.


I think that the problem is the Oblivion code.

I read several sites and topics where it's written that Oblivion is single core: this is not correct. Oblivion uses the OpenMP system computation, so it's able to use every core. It's sure that the main process (as every software) is in a single core, (windows cannot "divide" a process into more cores!). If you try to install the MSI afterburner and activate the CPU monitor, you can see that the cores are all used, but not at "full speed" (the same thing for the GPU).

The problem is that the main process seems to be "idled" in particular situation. An application that uses heavily the CPU, keeps the CPU at high rate (99%-100&), but not Oblivion.


I have an i5-4570K so 4 cores, 4 thread per core, then this is the correct configuration to have a perfect performance and stability (Oblivion.ini):




The problem is that Oblivion code is "busy" to manage something for every object on the screen (probably not necessary) and to manage the Gamebryo engine. During this, the code "wastes the time". In old applications, when the pcs weren't fast as today, it was usually breaking the code to avoid flooding the CPU/GPU. Second, i think that a lot of CPU is used to manage the Gamebryo engine.

Obviosly we are speaking about a modded game, without mods, this problem doesn't exist.


@Legotrash. About textures pack, the problem is that, having a texture pack, the video memory swaps the textures continuously between the hd/ram and the video ram. So, the GPU is busy to do this and it is forced to wait managing the FPS until the texture is ready to be placed on.

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Alenet,I've read that before about the textures but how about an advice for it? :P xD (it's not that big of a deal but a few more fps never hurt anyone)

I have one more question but it might end up as a thread-hijacking so I'll just make a thread for it or something. :P

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Hmm ... I wonder if that item is generated after the game detects your hardware. I was going by what I saw in my own Oblivion.ini and what is reported in the Oblivion Tweak Guide (here on page 9 down in the Multithreading Tweaks section of "Update 2"). There is no entry for iNumHavokThreads in Oblivion_default.ini which is what has me thinking it's generated based on hardware (my own is Core2 Duo E6850).

Edited by Striker879
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Alenet,about the textures,that was pretty much it. I was wondering if the .ini could be tweaked to help with that.

The other thing is about light sources. I use All natural's "Real lights" and when I enter a cell with too many light sources (like Scribonia's house for instance) my FPS take a nose dive but I have a feeling there's nothing I can do about it. I'll just change things myself in CS because I like real lights too much to uninstall it. :D

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