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help needed with shrouded armour


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Hi all,


I've been playing with retexturing to see what I can manage, and have been enjoying it a lot more than I expected, but i've hit something i'm not sure about.


At the risk of being oddly specific, i'm retexturing the dark brotherhood male shrouded armour, however the belt that goes over one shoulder is missing in game, though it's present in the texture (extracted from Skyrim-textures - dbarmour_male_torso.dds). http://static2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121011014022/elderscrolls/images/b/b1/TESV_Shrouded_Armor.png is an image of the armour showing the belt (diagonal over chest and over left shoulder). Now i've loaded dbarmortorso_1 and _0.nif in nifskope, and the model displayed doesn't have this belt either. I've hunted for some random nif file that might have it but no luck, can anyone shed any light?


EDIT: Well i've opened all of the dbarmor 'nif files in nifskope - the belt is present on the female armour and I can't find it anywhere else. Also in-game the male armour loads with the cowl over the shoulders from the shrouded cowl model - even when the cowl isn't worn (which adds the hood of the cowl). Does the male armour model know to "borrow" these elements from other .nifs? At the moment i've purely edited the dbarmor_male_torse.dds and applied it to dbarmortorso_1 and _0.nif, in game it loads the bare armour, no cowl or belt.

Edited by Ainulindale
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Right, might have a clue now, I extracted all of the dbarmor textures and meshes into their respective places within the skyrim Data folder, meaning the game will load from there, and these would be the vanilla sets. Suddenly when I load the game, the armour is lacking both the cowl and the belt, shown on the left of this picture: http://i.imgur.com/GLD1Gjl.jpg

Renaming the dbarmor folders (so the game won't load them, and will load whatever it's set to load as usual), and the belt and cowl is back, as in the right side of the picture.


Now I did some searching and found hints (http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/880142-male-shrouded-armor-from-loading-screens/) that the armour was originally meant to have those elements (shown in the dunmer assassin loading screen) and weren't included in the final cut for some reason. My question then would be, how do I find out which mod adds them back in? Like I said the only dbarmor textures and meshes in my data folder are the ones I extracted from the vanilla skyrim BSAs, and these load the belt-less version. None of my armour mods list any changes to the shrouded armour either. Is it perhaps included in an unofficial patch?


EDIT: SOLVED! - It was added back in the unofficial skyrim patch! Had to manually search through every likely BSA on my mod list... but there it is!

Edited by Ainulindale
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