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How important is the texture/meshes path?


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i'm actualy putting a lot of textures/meshes in my mod, but i'm not sure about the path, is it safe if i create my modfolder directly in the Texture/Meshes mainfolder for all my armors/weapons/statics? Or is it important that a new armor is placed in the meshes/armor folder for example?


I'm asking because a lot of Armormods use textures/armor/MODNAME, but are placing a linked cubemap in another folder: textures/cubemaps/"..._e.dds"


But i would like to have it all in (for textures) Data/Textures/EvilMansion/Armor (for meshes) Data/Meshes/EvilMansion/Armor

/Weapons /Weapons etc.




Could that be a problem or influence performance or something?

Edited by JPTR1
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