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Different Mods per Character


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I've recently started using mods with Fallout after finishing the vanilla game and DLCs through PL. I've found some mods that I would like to play with one character and not others. For example, I've created a pimp character to play the various adult related mods but do not want to play them on my other characters.


My question is if there a simple way to load one set of mods for one character and a different set for another without having to go down the list in FOMM unchecking and rechecking each individual mod based on the character I am about to play? i.e. Is there some way to package up the mods I want to use? ex: PimpMods.pkg vs. BasicMods.pkg or something.


It's getting hard to remember which mods each character is using and I almost always end up having to exit the game and double check what mods I activated for a given character.




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I don't know of a way to do that. But I would suggest that none of those mods *force* you do anything. If that character doesn't go in for that kind of thing, then s/he would just choose to not take those actions.


It's not quite that simple, especially mods that modify weapons, add new weapons, change AI, etc.


I guess I'll just tough it out. Some of these mods are amazing but sometimes I just want to play a character that is fairly close to the vanilla game with only minimal modifications.




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Well, if you're handy enough, you can try merging mods together into single mod files for your characters. You'd have to decide which character you want to play before you start the game, and restart whenever you want to switch, but it's not as much trouble as selecting and unselecting a bunch of mods.


You can merge mod files pretty easily with FO3Edit, though you'd probably need to keep a log to keep track of everything you have.

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