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Good female body and clothing and armor


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I've been playing the game for a bit now and wish to install a mod that will let me look like some YouTube videos I've seen. Very sexy with a good array of clothing and armor.

Any of the mods I've used just go back to looking crappy when I put on armor ans tuff I've found. Any suggestions for a good female mod and other files that will get me a good looking AV with a good selection of clothing, armor, hair, face, etc. The whole works.

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Currently popular body mods:

HG EyeCandy - Derived from Exnem's Female EyeCandy Body.

Fantasy Figure

Robert's Female Body Replacer


Matching body type and clothing/armor is important, because each body replacer has different UV mapping. If a clothes/armor covers whole body, you will see only changed body shape, but if a clothes/armor is revealing skin underneath, you may see 'nipple on thigh', due to UV difference. Once you pick a body type, search for clothing/armor for that body mod. Of course, stock clothing/armor replacer for the body replacer is a 'must'.


**Note: HGEC has several body 'shapes', like breast size from AA Cup to H Cup.

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HGEC outfits work independently from your character's nude breast size. For instance, if you choose C Cup for your character and an outfit uses the D Cup mesh, then your character will be automatically "upgraded" when she's wearing that outfit.


As long as you have any HGEC base active, you shouldn't have any visual issues with different sizes of HGEC armor. Modders specify the sizes of the armor mainly so super-attentive people can keep their character looking pretty much the same while clothed or nude. All body replacers work in this fashion.


And, as LFact pointed out, body types (Standard and Fighter, in HGEC's case) are what you need to look out for.


One last thing: You need to have Exnem's original EyeCandy mod installed prior to installing HGEC to eliminate all visual glitches, as HGEC is built off of Exnem's resources. I had a strange issue with my character's entire body texture getting mapped a second time to her bare feet before someone pointed this out to me.

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One last thing: You need to have Exnem's original EyeCandy mod installed prior to installing HGEC to eliminate all visual glitches, as HGEC is built off of Exnem's resources. I had a strange issue with my character's entire body texture getting mapped a second time to her bare feet before someone pointed this out to me


incorrect.the latest update has done away with the need for the original body mod

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OK. Things are going fine now. Got the body, some clothes and armor, but my face and hair are awful. I just can seem to adjust tthe controls to get myslef looking even halfway decent. How do I now deal with above the neck. I know, ther girl is so vain!
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OK. Things are going fine now. Got the body, some clothes and armor, but my face and hair are awful. I just can seem to adjust tthe controls to get myslef looking even halfway decent. How do I now deal with above the neck. I know, ther girl is so vain!


First, get Natural Faces or Improved Facial Textures. Both have better age map, so any race that uses stock head mesh will look better. Then, get some good body/face textures.

Face texture only:

- Enayla's Face textures


Body and face textures:

- Ozmo's HiRez texture pack

- F-Inev Oblivion Skinset for ExnemEC and HGEC

- Nec's High-Res texture pack

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  • 1 month later...
do I need to get both? ..and any recommendations?



I personally use IFT, and the textures I use over top of those change by race. Basically, just decide which textures you like best. If you like the airbrushed look, both Nec's and Ozmo'z textures may be to your liking, whereas you might find you prefer the more detailed and realistic textures from the F-Inev skinset. You might decide to mix and match between texture packs. You might decide to frankenstein your own textures *cough*likeme*cough*. Whatever you decide, just make sure it gives you the look you like best.


As for the hair, there are a lot of really great hair compilations out there. Ren's Beauty Pack has some terrific hairs in it, and the Saram, Corean, and Sulhwa races also have amazing hairs. PLUS, the Asian modding scene has had some amazing releases, like the 2ch hairs, as well as other, less well-known and publicized releases. :thumbsup: You're practically guaranteed to find something you like among all of those options. Only downside is, unless you want to go configuring all the hair by yourself in the construction set (and believe me, setting hairs up is a painful, hateful experience - worse than adding eyes IMO), you'll want to find mods that already have them and use something like TESSnip to copy/paste the hair subrecords from one mod to the other. It's all up to you, really.


Good luck!


PS - I'm not sure why I felt like elaborating so heavily; usually, I just keep my mouth shut and let those with more experience and valuable insight do the talking. :whistling:

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