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How do you imagine oblivion to look like


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If you look at the gate you would expect a total hell in there. Fire, darkness (mm... don't know how you can have fire and darkness at the same time, but who cares) walking dremora's and their little friends.


But i think it isn't all big terror. Maybe there are some beautiful peaceful places in it. And maybe not. Oblivion doesn't look like the right place to put a nice forest or a waterfall. But we will never know unless we play it. Or someone has to make another illigal movie, like the one of making your character's look and the lockpicking minigame.


I love it when bethesda is not paying attention :D

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I'm thinking like a warped version of Tamriel. Sort of trees, faunery, towns (they said there'd be towns anyway), but it'll all look nightmarish, sorta purple and red with warped and jagged angles on everything. That's just one idea. Or it might be a bit like the strange "hell" featured in Devil May Cry 3, that actually looks kind of holy and white even though it's evil.
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for Sheo's, Well, it doesn't bear thinking about.

That's a point! I wonder if we'll get to meet Sheogorath in person? :D He always was my favourite. Poking a huge betty netch with a silver fork, genius!


We'd probably be talking some pretty trippy stuff for his city. Giant orange rabbits being eaten by pink carrots, fenceposts with wings flying about all over the place...




And no, I haven't been smoking anything. Honest.

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I think it will resemble the official Elder Scrolls forums.


or at least, Ob general. That place really is Hell!


Sheo's Sphere I've thought on, and I've been thinking that it is a wonderful oppurtunity for the Devs to really go to town with some landscape that is mad, and yet at the same time clever. Perhaps with optical illusions and such.

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