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Bubble bath


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When I first saw a baththub in the game, I was happy, couse I thinked that I can give a bath to my character to wash that filthy body. I mean this is obvius, no ? There are baths, but no one uses them, they are just decorations.

This could be good for clear some rads, or give some health to the player's character, but it needs a lot of stuffs. ( I can't make this )

First needs some animations, and a timer ( Like with the sleep or the wait, but with maximum 1 hour timescale ) and needs a script that makes the game believ, that you had a bath, I'm pretty sure this will need some new models and textures too ( for the shower nozzle, the bubble baths bubbles, etc... )

So please let me know if someone intended to make this.

Cheers !

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At most, you could change this idea but keep the red bit by having a decontamination chamber, walk in, close door, press switch, irens go off, 'decontamination in progress' is repeated on loud speakers, steam is blown up and down around you and then your reds are reduced by X ammount. This would be cool as part of a quest, somewhere you have to do something which will take time and will give you high rads, low level players would not survive, but once done, decontaminate yourself on the way out!


A shower model for clutter would be good though aswell I suppose. But it wouldnt wash off any reds in my opinion as the water is generally irradiated, unless you talking a purified water system etc. Then again, it could be part of an inventors NPC quest, a hugh noisy contraption with pipes, steam, moving parts, he askes you to find him some stuff, fuel, scrap etc, to finish his 'secret invention that will change the wastland forever' (what player will resist?), then when you get back, give him the parts, he/she fits some, you have to go outside and find 2-3 valves that need turning on, then on return, he/she askes you to follow, takes you in the next room and it was all to make a clean, hot shower/bath combo!


Nice clutter also though, just a wall outlet and taps so they can be mounted above a bath or given a drain, would need a shower curtain too. An L-shaped one would work best.

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