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Steam overlay doesn't work when launched through NMM


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I use the NMM launcher to preserve the load order of my mods in Fallout 3 (Steam version). The problem is Nexus Mod Manager's launcher doesn't launch the game through Steam. The game works just fine, but there is no Steam overlay and Steam doesn't track my hours played.

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I don't think you understand. Steam is only a source for purchase of Fallout 3, the same as Walmart, Amazon, Best Buy or any other store. It has no other connection to the game. There is no reason nor advantage to run the Steam overlay. It would only take up resources need for smooth operation of Fallout 3.

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I get that now. I'm asking because I'd like to chat with my Steam friends while playing without minimizing the game.


Edit: Figured it out. I just put FalloutLauncher.exe into NMM's custom launch command box. Without that it was defaulting to Fallout3.exe. I'm a little nervous that this screwed up the mod load order but it seems to be working fine so far.

Edited by kymaks
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