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ESP-to-ESM Conversion; Dead NPC(s) walking around?


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Hello. Doubt this'll get replied to, but it can't hurt.


I've made some modifications to the MMUE patch for NVInteriors for my own personal preferences, including modifications to the Navmesh. As I understand that navmesh edits really only work properly in an ESM, I had it converted. On my end, there were errors in the ONAMS for whatever reason, and so member Luthienanarion (thank you) converted it for me.


(I seriously don't know what the deal is with the ONAMS, but thats besides the point.)


However, I've noticed that the ESM has an error that the esp did not. Namely, an NPC that is A) supposed to be dead and B) only supposed to show up as a body once a quest has been completed is instead walking around in the interior space before I've even started the quest; the ESP does not have this problem. The NPC, in either master or plugin form, is not tagged to respawn, nor is it tagged to auto-calculate stats.


Help would be appreciated! Thank you!

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