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Searching for a quest mod


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Like the mod "the underground". FANTASTIC mod, but sooooooo buggy. Way to buggy. Doors dissapearing, scripts breaking....


I would like a mod adding long quests, not too buggy, and preferably no uber items (or if the mod is very good i can always dump those items)


Any mod suggestions?

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Do have a look at the pinned thread in plug ins it specifically deals with quest mods. It's called IIRC 'What Plug In?'.


I recommend Korobal as being relatively bug free. The Black Mill is really good but has a few major bugs. You can avoid them but if you choose it let me know and I'll tell you how.


Anyway have a look at the thread. Different people have given their views and you can add to it if you wish.

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Can't resist... any longer...




Iredior is currently in the final stages of development, but one thing it'll have is tons upon tons of quests. New Fighter's Guild, Mages Guild, and Thieves Guild quests, and even some new factions with quests I believe, as well as an entire new main quest of courtly intrigue and so forth. :P We've also tried to create the feeling of a massive city, not those piffling little towns in Morrowind. And that's barely the half of it. :P




Hope you like.



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Wohoo. Looks fantastic. Too bad you won't be able to completely finish it before oblivion. Maybe, a few months after oblivion's release you could check back on it?


I got many games which i played part one of, and now part two. And i always play good old part one later too, which would mean that when i played oblivion for a "while" i would certainly play morrowind again. Would be great to play iredior then.


Ofcourse you people want to enjoy oblivion too and to get a group of people to work at iredior once again after the release of a game much better than morrowind, would be a hard task...


Anyway, il be looking forward to the beta version!



Would be cool to help with the interiors, but i don't know if i can do it. Will probably have to spend much time on it and with the current situation <looks at essay/test/masshomework giving teachers> i don't think i could be of much use.

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Hehe, glad you like the look of it. :D


Don't worry, we have quite a few volunteers helping with interiors now. To be honest I'm finding it hard enough to keep track of just 5 people's work! ^^;


We might come back to it, but as you say, Oblivion's probably going to have a lot of us pretty badly addicted. :P You never know though.

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Well, I really won't blame you if you won't continue the project after Oblivions release... I won't play morrowind at all after that! Well... maybeeeee sometimes, just to remind myself of the "ol'good times", but not as much as Oblivion
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Search on PlanetFile.com and Browse under Quests there are hundreds.

So eventually one will fit yours belongings.

You ever heard of Exile try this,its huge and bugfree,cause its completely interior.

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