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FOMM + mothership zeta = no go?


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yeah im kinda stuck you see.........the FOMM doesnt want to see mothership zeta so i cannot use it with FOSE. And unfortunatly my original fallout 3 doesnt want to use any mods or it will crash whenever i try to go inside a building. And BTW when i am using the original fallout 3 i make sure to disable all of my mods that require FOSE so it is not the mods (at least i think so)


anyways, Is there anyway for me to make FOSE use mothership zeta?

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Yes i installed the 1.7 update. Yes i have the 1.7 compatible FOSE. Whats the GFWL tthing though?


just to be clear, I'm trying to find a way to force my FOSE to use the mothership zeta and for it to appear in FOMM as a .esm file. Thats my real problem. when i installed the FOMM it also prompted me for it to use/copy the DLC's so that i could acess them in FOSE version. I have uninstalled FOMM and reinstalled it to see if it would do the same thing for mothership zeta, It didnt......

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ahh...i see.


you can't expect FOMM to automatically cater for Mothership Zeta when it only came out yesterday.


that's crazy talk.


you need to go and find the Mothership Zeta datafiles and move them manually to your Fallout3/Data folder.


their actual location depends on your version of game and OS, Steam or Retail and Xp or Vista.


there are pinned threads all over for this (just find one that applies to another DLC and extrapolate).


this is very basic stuff.


p.s. GFWL=Games for Windows LIVE

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Yes i installed the 1.7 update. Yes i have the 1.7 compatible FOSE. Whats the GFWL tthing though?


just to be clear, I'm trying to find a way to force my FOSE to use the mothership zeta and for it to appear in FOMM as a .esm file. Thats my real problem. when i installed the FOMM it also prompted me for it to use/copy the DLC's so that i could acess them in FOSE version. I have uninstalled FOMM and reinstalled it to see if it would do the same thing for mothership zeta, It didnt......


You may need to wait for Timeslip to update FOMM for it to recognize Mothership Zeta if you can't find it manually

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if it helps any,


the filepath for me, using XP and Steam, was:


C:\Documents and Settings\"my name"\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\XLive\DLC\"numbers"\"numbers"\"lots of numbers"\Content


and you will need to have the "show hidden files" ticked to see a few of these folders.

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  • 8 months later...

HI im having huge problems :confused:

i use FOSE for fallout 3 wich obviously disables live and i just today installed mothership zeta DLC................

i know i have to move it to data folder but i cant even find the damned DLC folder any one able to help???

i use vista by the way please someone help this is killing me and i just want to play my damned DLC :mad:

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