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better pysics


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i dont know if uv played gta:4 yet, but it has some really realistic and kwl pysics.

what im pertically interested in is how when u shot someone, they will fall to the ground due to the power if the gun, but then can they get back up. ( i dont mean when they die, just wounded)


i belive its kinda annoying how you can shot someone with a powerful gun like a sniper or shotgun and the person will just stand there and shoot back like nothings happend. im not suggesting that people should die faster, but im saying people should react more realisticly.


can someone apply this to the fallout. i hope this isnt a stupid request, but i think it would be a great addon, and im sure others would agree.

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do you have any idea how hard it would be to re-make the physics engine for an entire videogame?


Rockstar has an entire team of profesionals makeing their game engine, and they spend over 40 hours a week for almost 3 years getting it to work the way it does...


im not saying remake the whole thing, just have a new reaction to wounds, where thers a trigger that turns the npc into a ragdoll, then have another trigger that makes the npc get up.


i dont have much modding experience in fallout 3 but i dont think it requiers the whole physics engine to be rewrote.

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On the line of better reaction, could someone make a mod, where if an enemy sees another enemy die, without a cause, he immediatly becomes suspicious.


I like being stealth, and it's annoying when I kill 5 guys in a room, and not one of them even notices.

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