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test if the player has anything equipped?


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Is there a way to test if the player has anything equipped in the UpperBody,

BodyAddOn1,2, and 3 slots? I want to test if the player is wearing anything and adjust conversation accordingly. Armour ratings can be down to 0 whilst still wearing items so I don’t think I can use that.

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I have a personal mod that does something like that. If you script it, it would be something like:


if player.GetArmorRatingUpperBody > 0
set dressed to 1


I suppose conditionals in conversation would probably work in a similar way.



Thank You

Does an armour rating for anything equipped not ever go below 1 then?

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I have a personal mod that does something like that. If you script it, it would be something like:


if player.GetArmorRatingUpperBody > 0
set dressed to 1


I suppose conditionals in conversation would probably work in a similar way.



Thank You

Does an armour rating for anything equipped not ever go below 1 then?


If I rememberr correctly, if the armour rateing drops below 1, it is broken and can't be worn


but I am not 100% sure on that

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If I rememberr correctly, if the armour rateing drops below 1, it is broken and can't be worn


but I am not 100% sure on that


Thank you. I think I’m going to have to let someone shoot at me while I’m wearing damaged armor to try that out.

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Apparel becomes broken when it reaches 0 condition, and apparel can have 0 DR even at 100% condition. However, I don't think any vanilla items have 0 DR, and I wouldn't expect many modded items to have 0 DR either. So although checking DR isn't completely foolproof, it is the simplest and easiest solution and should work just fine.



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I have noticed mods coming now which add additions to the main armour and use the BodyAddOn slots mods like the superb “Tailor Maid” for instance. I just thought there would be a flag or something to indicate the slot was being used hence my initial request asking if player has anything equipped in the UpperBody,BodyAddOn1,2, and 3 slots?

Thank you all, I will go with the player.GetArmorRatingUpperBody > 0

Is there the same test for the BodyAddOn1 etc slots?

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