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Wear Hood/Circlet or Mask at the same time


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I have been looking for a mod that allows you to wear masks or circlets with hoods at the same time however I have noticed that the available mods for download are outdated and not compatible with Dragonborn or Dawnguard items. I was wondering if someone could create a mods that will allow such way to equip these items at the same time.


Thank you in advanced!

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Clothing and Clutter Fixes by kryptopyr:





  • More consistent values & weights for clothing and misc items.
  • More logical pricing for Glazed, Nordic, and Silver clutter.
  • Some previously unplayable or inaccessible items are now playable or otherwise accessible in game.
  • Almost all instances of hooded robes have been removed from the game and replaced with separate robe and hood combinations.
  • Adds more diversity to the robed outfits worn by NPCs.
  • The strength of an enchantment on a piece of enchanted jewelry is now properly reflected by the quality of the base jewelry.
  • Circlets can now be worn with most hoods.
  • Necklaces and/or rings that were invisible when worn with certain clothing can now be seen.
  • Corrects incorrect keywords on jewelry, clothing, and misc items.
  • Adds keywords that were missing from certain items that prevented them from being sold or properly identified by the game mechanics.
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Clothing and Clutter Fixes by kryptopyr:





  • More consistent values & weights for clothing and misc items.
  • More logical pricing for Glazed, Nordic, and Silver clutter.
  • Some previously unplayable or inaccessible items are now playable or otherwise accessible in game.
  • Almost all instances of hooded robes have been removed from the game and replaced with separate robe and hood combinations.
  • Adds more diversity to the robed outfits worn by NPCs.
  • The strength of an enchantment on a piece of enchanted jewelry is now properly reflected by the quality of the base jewelry.
  • Circlets can now be worn with most hoods.
  • Necklaces and/or rings that were invisible when worn with certain clothing can now be seen.
  • Corrects incorrect keywords on jewelry, clothing, and misc items.
  • Adds keywords that were missing from certain items that prevented them from being sold or properly identified by the game mechanics.


Thank you so much!

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