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Problem with Merc Cruiser outfit


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Ok, so I finally have all the mods I like, mostly the type 3 bodies, associated clothes, FOSE and the weapon mods. I also installed robert's male bodies. The ONLY problem I'm having is any npc wearing the Merc Cruiser outfit has the big red and yellow ! around them, still wearing clothes mind you. Any quick fixes that anyone can think of? Everythig else seems to work spot on. Thanks ahead of time!
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Ok, update. It's not the cruiser outfit OR the male body itself. I just installed the "quick fix" and the "lucas simms fix" Still no go. The only npc's that seem to be effected is a random one in Moriarity's bar and Dr. Zimmer's guard so far. Thought it was the outfit cause they both wear the same thing. Perhaps it's some sort of issue with the cyborgs? Any ideas would help.
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Thanks cyclops, I found the offending item. It's a ROCK. Any npc that has a ROCK inside their inventory gets the diamond, kill'em, take their rock, and it goes away. Can someone tell me where/how I can find a rock and have it validated?
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Nope, it's just the regular "rock" that you find in some lower level npc inventories. I've tried a couple of mods that alter pip boy appearance before settling on the 50's pinups on pip boy. I can see the rocks in their inventory, I can loot them. If I view my pc while holding them no ruby shows, Ruby is only visible around npcs holding rocks, clothed/unclothed, doesn't matter.

When I pick up the rocks and click on them, within the pip boy menu it says "PipOs Error 26-File Not Found"


Also, when I pick up the rock from their inventory and drop it on the ground I get the ruby ! as well. I think I'm missing the mesh/texture for the rock?


I hope that helps, thank you for your efforts.

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Also, when I pick up the rock from their inventory and drop it on the ground I get the ruby ! as well. I think I'm missing the mesh/texture for the rock?

Would say yes

I'm not really sure what rocks you mean since I don't remember any wide spread rocks which people carry around in the unmodded game. Might be a Mod or a DLC ... don't know ...


I guess it is a mod that adds these rocks for further use and now the *.esp is activated while the meshes/textures are missing.


You could try to uncheck all mods at your launcher and then have a look if the rubies still exists. After you found out what mod it is, you could try to install it again -> with correct paths, the missing files and so on or just delete it



good luck


Maybe someone knows what mod it is and gives us a hint.

You could post your mod list as well.

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