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Enemies more aware when their frinds die


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So, two raiders are talking smack to each other. One's head suddenly explodes from the impact of a 308 round. His friend doesn't react. Really?


There could be a perception and/or intelligence based reaction time so that, if the PC is quick enough, a couple raiders or a few muties can be sniped before their buddies start running around, taking cover, looking for the PC, etc.


It would be really cool if npcs, muties, and creatures also reacted to finding their friends' corpses, making the grab function useful for hiding bodies.

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So, two raiders are talking smack to each other. One's head suddenly explodes from the impact of a 308 round. His friend doesn't react. Really?


There could be a perception and/or intelligence based reaction time so that, if the PC is quick enough, a couple raiders or a few muties can be sniped before their buddies start running around, taking cover, looking for the PC, etc.


It would be really cool if npcs, muties, and creatures also reacted to finding their friends' corpses, making the grab function useful for hiding bodies.



It annoys me too.

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I always lean towards a stealth build knowing that I can sneak through an entire raider/supermutant camp making heads explode with my silenced/scoped lincoln rifle.


Maybe they can add this to FOOK?

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There needs to be a "Search & Destroy" AI package where they know *something* is wrong and are looking for the shooter, but they don't automagically detect you.



That would make stealth MUCH more fun, since you could remain hidden and continue getting your critical headshots, but you'd have to be creative in avoiding enemies who are actively looking for you.

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It would be pretty simple to add a token to raiders and super mutants for this purpose, but fine-tuning the response would be tricky. I think the proper way to handle it would be to create a dummy enemy NPC whose sole purpose is to be in some random location nearby and to be the target of a CreateDetectionEvent. The reasoning here is that they know *something* is out there, but they can't tell from where. You have to have a target to spur combat, so you create an invisible enemy that does nothing but flee from them (a ghost would probably be perfect).


Of course, I think using a quest script to manage the ghost would probably be the way to go, but that would just be my way to handle it. Anyone have a better idea?

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i once noticed that when using the Railway Rifle and using the Stealth Effect whilst attacking some Raiders,


they began reacting and talking to the Spike that had embedded in a nearby wall (albeit impaling their comrades head) , as though it was an enemy.


it might be possible to replicate this with other ammo by creating a bullet in the dead target (just like a spike, but an embedded unseen bullet).


this should, with proper distance and stealth, cause the surviving enemy to go into combatAI, and run over to the dead body.


a similar result happens when you shoot silenced ammo into nearby walls/objects;


i use this method to gather distant enemies into one spot and then switch to a missile launcher.

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In addition to a "search and destroy" package, how about a "freak out and take cover while looking around in every direction to see where shot came from" package.


Also, when you obliterate a group of raiders with a fat man, the default package of the survivors should be "run the hell away".

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If done, it should also be made such that encountering any bodies of the same faction (only for certain factions) raises a search procedure. That is, a raider turns his back to another raider and you shoot the guy no longer being seen by anyone. Should raider 1 see the body of raider 2, raider 1 should start looking around. This way, things like dragging bodies to hide them could be useful.
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I agree with this idea. Just yesterday i was attacked by 3 talon mercs, i run up, but the melee'ers head off with my combat shotty, kill the other one and the third is STILL shooting at me with his bloody laser rifle. I'm sorry, but if I saw my 2 buddies obliterated, i'd run like hell!
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