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Oblivion problem: Admin rights


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Hey guys,

I just decided to go back to Oblivion and had no Problem with the game itself. But when i began to install some mods with the NMM, my game crashed everytime i started it. I used BOSS to see where the problem is and it seems like there is a issue with the admin rights or Something because the game can't gain permission to use the files. When i start BOSS as an admin there are no errors! But when i try this on Oblivion it still crashes.

Anyone got an idea whats wrong? I didn't have any Issues when i modded my skyrim and i'm used to the system.


Thanks guys!

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Nexus Mod Manager (NMM) isn't recommended for Oblivion. If that's the route you choose then be prepared for a number of situations to figure your way out of. If a mod recommends that you install it with NMM then it's been designed to work with NMM. Most Oblivion mods were last updated long before NMM was even thought of, in fact if you read the mod descriptions you'll see that many (if not most) were designed to be installed with Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM).


If you install the game in the default location you will run into problems with UAC if you are running Vista, Win 7 or Win 8 (and if you use the Steam version this includes where Steam is installed). The recommended location for the game is C:\Games or any other folder you care to create outside of C:\Program Files (x86) or C:\Program Files.

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